Alltop is literally what it sound like. It is website with “all the top stories” from over 100 various blogs depending on the topic.
“You can think of an Alltop site as a “digital magazine rack” of the Internet. To be clear, Alltop sites are starting points—they are not destinations per se. The bottom line is that we are trying to enhance your online reading by both displaying stories from the sites that you’re already visiting and helping you discover sites that you didn’t know existed. In other words, our goal is the “cessation of Internet stagnation” by providing “aggregation without aggravation.”
One particular subcategory is Green which features such sites as Treehugger and World Changing. Included in that list is a group of Green Mom blogs due to the efforts of my friend, Lynn at OrganicMania. She pitched to the group over at Alltop that women represent most of the spending power in this country. If we want change in this country, we need to start with those who carries the purse strings. Green moms spread the word on how to go green, which products to use, and which products to be wary of to millions of mothers every day.
Lynn included Green Talk as one of those movers and shakers and I am grateful to her efforts. This allows more people to read what I write and what you all comment about. As I have always told you Green Talk is a community where everyone has input since the blog is simply the conduit to all of our ideas. So, keep commenting since we now have a new spotlight.
I highly recommend Lynn’s site. She has a wonderful sense of humor and is a great story teller as well as a marketing consultant who really has her pulse on the green movement.
Also, whether you are a green mom or not, check out Alltop Green as well as the other Alltop sites so you can lessen your time on the computer and get your web information in one place. You will not be disappointed.
Visit both Lynn’s and Alltop’s Green site and let me know your thoughts.
Lynn from says
Thanks so much for the linky love and the compliments about OrganicMania.
I would just like to clarify that I pitched Alltop on the notion that Moms are leaders in the environmental movement. I didn’t mention anything about green economic clout. Perhaps you are thinking of Diane MacEachern and Mary Hunt, who have written and blogged extensively about using women’s economic power to advance the green movement. (And I’ve interviewed Diane for OrganicMania).
With regard to Alltop, I used the Green Mom Finds blogroll as a starting point, and included only those bloggers in the Magic Middle (or higher) of Technorati Authority.
As a result of these Green Mom bloggers coming together, we are organizing a rotating carnival to highlight writings on green issues such as global warming. All are welcome to join us! I’ll be back in touch with more details and would love it if you could invite all your readers to participate!
Lynn from’s last blog post..Do Dads Get a Bum Deal on Father’s Day?
Mother Earth says
what a great way to network like minded individuals – bravo to you both!!
Mother Earth’s last blog post..Non-Toxic Biodegradable Germicide
Split Air Conditioning says
It’s nice to see that there are lots of people are getting involve in “green campaign” or programs. Hope that more people will join. I’ve checked out both websites and I can it’s really great. 🙂