I was toying with this post on how to write it and came up with 2 different senario both with a green intent. I am curious which version you like.
Version #1: Are you Chained to your Bathroom?
When you read the title of this artcle, you are muttering “ugh” in response to pictures of forever cleaning your bathroom? Put those frustrating thoughts aside. This chain is a good thing and will forever silence (for a little while) that “there is no more toliet paper?” when you are doing the serious thing.
Version #2: Biker Bathroom that Even your Mother would Love:
Perhaps when you are thinking of “Biker bathroom” does it conjure up images of chrome fixtures, skull and bones wallpaper, leather padded toilet seats, and chains around the sink? Well, close. Take a look at the picture above. I shot this picture at a restaurant in Chicago. This restaurant knows how to get their green on.
So, which version do you like?
In any event, check out what you can do with old chain link! Chrome never looked so good. It will definitely be a conversation ice breaker for visitors at your house. Be sure to add recycled toilet paper to the link. (Don’t know about recycled toilet paper, check my RTP article here.)
I am constantly writing about ways to use “stuff” that would ordinarily go in the trash. (Check out how to reuse torn screens and straws.) So, do you have a favorite reuse story to tell?
Oh, which version did you like?
Bahama Mamba says
i have a friend who could have started the green movement he loves to go find old stuff and make new stuff out of it
Mother Earth says
ha – which restraunt in chicago??
Green Talk says
the one you sent me too near University of Chicago. Food was excellent. Anna