Watt Stopper’s PW-100D passive infrared (PIR) dimmable wall switch sensor. [podcast]http://www.green-talk.com/podcasts/wattsstopper.mp3[/podcast] It seems like every other day I hear on the news that changing your light bulbs could save the world. True. But, how about making it simpler? Let’s change the mantra to turn off your lights when you leave a room. You know […]
Outlet and Light Switches Suck Your Money Right Out the Window
Have you ever notice how cold your outlet or switch covers are in the winter? This winter was extremely cold in the northeast. Periodically, I would go around and see if air was emanating from the outlet. Sure enough, the outlets were cold as ice. Despite the fact my house is an Energy Star […]
Sewing Must Have: The Energy Efficient See and Sew LED Light
How many of you sew? It is a lost art but really rewarding. I learned to sew in junior high and did not pick sewing back up until two years ago. While sewing window seat cushions, I found that I could no longer see when I was sewing. The little light on the machine and […]
Green Speed Links: September 13, 2009
Watch this trailer park movie of the upcoming BagIT. It will break your heart on what are plastic consumption is doing to our animal friends. Our very own Green Mom, Beth Terry of Fake Plastic Fish, was interviewed for a segment in the film. See her account, here. Sharing Backyards via EarthEasy’s newsletter. What is […]
LightFair 2009 Lites Up NYC!
Ilumisys‘ LED replacement tubes featured at LightFair 2009 Every other year, LightFair International, the biggest and brightest (in my opinion) lighting show comes to New York City. This is my second time attending this amazing show and I was not disappointed. In fact, they should have renamed the show “LEDFair” since 90% of the exhibitors […]
Mr. Beams: Affordable LED Lights Keep You Out of the Dark
[podcast]http://www.green-talk.com/podcasts/mrbeams.mp3[/podcast] Editors’ note: This is a transcript from the above audio, which is 26 minutes long. It has been slightly edited so it is more readable. See the giveaway contest and purchase discounts at the end of the transcript! Read on how to see Mr. Beams’ LED lights will not only decrease those hard to […]
You’ve Got Green Mail March 22, 2009
Photo by Cavin B. Well, it is time again for some great green mail that I received or articles that I found. Rounding up the list this week are articles ranging from what’s in your vaccines now that they have taken out mercury, powering airlines with nuts, to giving old wind turbines a second life. Do you […]
You’ve Got Green Mail, Dec 7, 2008 Round-Up
Photo by Henry Heatly Here is another I’ve Got Green Mail for the week of December 7, 2008. Just to make this concept interactive, please add any new reports or concepts that you found interesting in your own comments. You can include one of your own blog posts if you like, with a few sentences […]