Squash bugs are notorious for destroying your pumpkins and squashes. They suck the life out of your leaves.Then, they invade your house in the winter. I am not sure who is worse–the squash bug or the squash vine borer. (Learn some tricks on keeping the vine borer hopefully out of the garden.) I think the […]
Young Plants Animal Protection: Use Trash
Why does gardening bring out the inner Rambo in me? I am constantly fighting with the squirrels, the slugs, and the rabbits. They eat my young plants. I swear one day there is a sunflower seedling. *Poof,* it is gone. (And we aren’t talking Fairy Godmother stuff here.) Well, the infuriated got resourceful. And guess […]
Stop Squirrels and Critters From Eating Garden Veggies with Panty Hose.
This Memorial Day weekend I attended a wedding. As I have told you before, my feet swell so I have to wear (uggh) panty hose. They aren’t meant to last forever. Or at least mine aren’t. Out of the three I brought 3 snagged or had a run in them. So instead of throwing them […]
Voles, Moles. How to Get Rid of Them.
Something is tearing up my garden. Worse yet, for five years. Every spring, I come out to a garden that has deep tunnels, which lead to nowhere. I am not kidding. So, why are they digging? For five years, I have been shaking my head. Well, last year was the mother of all […]
Squash Vine Borer: Ditch the Pesticide. Cut out the Worms.
I swear this is the year of the worm. Due to the warm New Jersey winter, every bug in town survived. In my five years of gardening, I NEVER had squash vine borers. But this year I became Dr Anna and cut out the worms without using pesticides. However, I was too late. The […]
Gardener’s Supply Summer Sale! Stock up at Great Prices.
Calling all gardeners! Gardener’s Supply Company is having their summer sale! This is the time to stock up, Geeps. (Short for gardening people. Do you think it will catch on?) Many of my loyal readers know that I absolutely love Gardener’s Supply. In the Spring, I listed my favorites from Gardener’s Supply and gushed above how […]
Mother Earth News Squash Bug Squishing Technique
Photo by Ivan Armsby (http://www.flickr.com/photos/squeezyboy/ / CC BY 2.0) How many of you grow squashes? Last year, I grew about six different squashes. Little pumpkins. Acorn Squash. Sweet Potato Squash. And some other funny sounding name squashes. My neighbor grew them too and complained of the dreaded squash bug. She even showed me one […]