Why does Spring make you want to clean? I have this natural instinct to open the window, dump drawers, and scrub like a mad woman. But here’s the rub. Are your chemically laden cleaning products making you a mad woman or man? Stop! Learn why you need to make the jump to safer cleaning products. […]
Safe Cleaning Products Ditch the Toxic Stuff. +DIY Recipes
Recently, I contributed to a 64 DIY cleaning recipe round-up on Girl Meets Nourishment which includes my orange peel vinegar recipe. Yes, I said *64* DIY cleaning recipes! Despite this wonderful go to list, I wondered how many people are still using their same tried and true toxic cleaning products? Do they realize they are harming their […]
EWG Guide to Healthy Cleaning. Helpful or Confusing?
Recently, the Environmental Working Group released its Guide to Healthy Cleaning, which includes 2000+ household cleaning products and air fresheners. I was so excited when I saw the Guide since I am in love with their Skin Deep Database for personal care products. However, their cleaning product guide just plain confused me. Certain non-environmentally friendly companies scored higher […]
Orange Peel Vinegar Cleaner. Make Your Own Green Cleaner
My kids adore oranges. But, what do you do with all those peels? At first, I start freezing them to make my own orange peel zest. But after the 10th orange, I couldn’t figure out what else to do with them. Leona McEachern of My Healthy Green Family gave me a great idea on how to […]
Ironing Damp: Easier, Greener, Cheaper. Possibly Enjoyable? Not.
How many of you hate ironing? Maybe, I should start with how many of you send your clothes to the dry cleaner? Well, I hate ironing too but figured out a way to iron to make it easier and cheaper. “Oh, come on Anna.” Ironing is drudgery. Yes, I agree. I eased into my “EZ-iron” method […]
A Scent to Remember As Seventh Generation Unveils Scented Dish Soap
Do certain scents bring back memories of a happy or carefree time in your life? Does a particular perfume remind you of how your mother smelt when she tucked you in at night? Or how the smell of the ocean reminded you of how you would endlessly play in the surf? Scents are powerful. […]
Smelly Washing Machine: Is Affresh the Magic Bullet or Dud?
Does you washing machine smell like stinky feet? If you have a front loading machine, I bet you have that moldy smell . Not yet? Your machine is too new? Just wait. After the one year wedding anniversary of the date you bought your washing machine, you will be blessed with a bouncy mold […]
Great Home Remedies Hidden Right Under Your Nose
With four kids, I have spent plenty of time in doctor offices, tutors, and other assorted appointments. I don’t mind waiting when the waiting room is full of magazines that I ordinarily don’t get to read. My favorite articles are those “Dear Heloise” types. You know. The home remedy ones. Kind of like the 10 […]