In the summer, I decided to become a vegan. You may recall when I became a vegetarian several years ago. I stayed a vegetarian for three years but decided to return to eating meat for health reasons. This time I jumped in veganism head first and have never felt better. Weird, huh despite all my […]
Delicata Squash: Oh So Delicious. Move Over Butternut
This was my first year growing Delicata squash. It reminds me of a striped zucchini with a hard shell. I am in love with this squash since it is easy to grow and easier to cook. Here’s the scoop about why Delicata squash should be on your table. I call it the new butternut!
Instant Pot Electric Pressure Cooker: a Game Changer!
With a yearly expanding garden and a new herbal product business, I just don’t have time to cook like I use to. Last year, I acquired an Instant Pot electric pressure cooker that has been a game changer for me. What a game changer! I simply plop my food in the container, turn it on […]
Lemongrass Recipes & Learn How to Cook with it!
I adore lemongrass. Not only is it a beautiful plant that you can easily grow, all the parts of the leaves and the stems are edible. You don’t have to be a gardener to enjoy this lemony aromatic plant. Simply buy lemongrass at your local grocery store or Asian market. So, here is how […]
How to Grow Lemongrass
Lemongrass is an absolutely beautiful plant for your garden and so easy to grow. Every part of this gorgeous plant is edible. So what is not to love? Keep reading to learn how to grow lemongrass. It is so easy.
Swiss Chard Stem Soup. Move over Celery.
I adore Swiss Chard. But did you know that you can not only use the leaves, you can use the stems too? Don’t compost or throw out the stems. They taste similar to celery. So, let’s make soup–Swiss Chard Stem soup!
Preserve Vegetables For Year Round Use in 6 Easy Ways
Did you plant too many plants this summer and are expecting a boat load of veggies? Or buy too many vegetables at the farmer’s market? I feel your pain since every year I face this dilemma. So what is a veggie lover to do? Sure, you can give away your abundance to your friends and […]
Swiss Chard: How to Grow it & Eat it!
If I had to pick one vegetable that is extremely easy to grow, Swiss Chard would be my #1 pick. While other greens are wilting or bolting from the heat, Swiss Chard just laughs at the heat and flourishes. In addition, it is a stunner in the garden with its bright leaves and matching ribs. […]