Watch this short Trend Hunter Magazine’s video of an outstanding group of ecoterrific gifts ranging from lamps made out of garbage or tampons (I know, eww), underwear made out of aluminum cans to cardboard taxidermy even PETA would approve. Now you can enjoy an animal head in your family room without feeling guilty. For more information about […]
Organic Chocolates Never Tasted So Good
Updated 2/12/2012: While I was at the New York Chocolate Show, I was feeling a lot like Charlie, the main character of the book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, as he toured the Wonka Chocolate Factory. Although the Show did not have Oompa-Loompas or Everlasting Gobstoppers, it featured some amazing and diverse chocolate makers sure […]
Organic Chocolate, a Little Taste of Heaven
Updated 2/12/2012: What is the 8th wonder of the world? Chocolate, no doubt. At the 11th annual New York Chocolate Show, I was a pig in mud being around hundreds of some of best chocolate makers, all in the same room, giving out free samples of the best chocolate I ever tasted. My husband has […]
Tis the Season For a Greener Wrapping Paper Fundraiser?
It is that time of year when the fundraisers roll out for the schools since Christmas is right around the corner. How many of your schools offer the old wrapping paper fundraiser? Yawn. I know another wrapping paper fundraiser. This year I received my timely Innisbrook holiday fundraiser with a new twist. A Recycle, Reuse, […]
Thank You Notes Via Email? Are They Eco-Proper?
Updated: 12/11/2011 Life is full of dilemmas where you struggle to do the right thing. I am sure all of you have been in this situation where if you do one thing or the other, there is a consequence to your choice. Kind of like a no-win situation. Here is mine at the moment. Can […]
Green, the New Color of the Holiday Season
Photo by Stephen Helms by permission. Updated: 12/22/11. The Holiday season seems to start right after you put that last plate away for Thanksgiving dinner. If you are going to spend your green this season, then consider giving environmentally friendly gifts that will lessen your impact on the Earth. Who knows? These gifts may turn […]