I received several emails from Ken Cook, of the Environmental Working Group, one of my favorite watchdogs, regarding the State of New Jersey’s governmental use of plastic water bottles which is paid by taxpayer’s money. We have a wonderful water system in the state. So, why the spend? Over the last couple of months, Governor Christie […]
Re:newal Water, the UnPlastic Disposable Water Bottle
[podcast]http://www.green-talk.com/podcasts/renewal.mp3[/podcast] We are obsessed with our disposable plastic water bottles. In 2006, Americans purchased 31 billion disposable water bottles, according to the Beverage Marketing Corporation . In order to produce that many bottles, 17 million barrels of oil were consumed which does not take into account the energy used in transportation. In addition, 2.5 […]
Beth Terry Makes Living without Plastic Easy.
Beth Terry is my hero. I have been following Beth and My Plastic Free Life (formerly known as Fake Plastic Fish,) the blog she pens for over two years. Beth has inspired others including yours truly on how to live a plastic free life. She makes her readers think about their own consumption with a […]
Bob Greene, Oprah’s Trainer, Recommends Bottled Water?
Say it ain’t so. Oprah’s trainer, Bob Greene, recommending bottle water? Well, it’s true. Bob Greene has a new website, Best Life, geared towards helping people lose weight. The website contains a section entitled Best Life approved foods . Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water, which will be carrying the “Best Life” seal, is one of […]
Support the National Bottle Bill
Photo by Ed Yourdon. Beth of Fake Plastic Fish sent me the following email about the importance of supporting a National Bottle Bill to reduce the amount of plastic (ugh) bottles that are being sent to landfills. Read on as to why a national bill is so important: “Show Your Support For a National Bottle […]
Are Recycled Plastic Bottles Products Really Eco Friendly?
Photo courtesy of Shea Hazarian. I have always been a fan of companies such as Terracycle, which take our trash and create usable products. But when I reflect on what wonderful work they are doing, I have to wonder is this a band-aid until we realize the products we are upcycling are not necessarily good […]
How to Unweave Plastic from the Fabric of our Lives
Seedlings Aboard! The other day I watched a plastic bag float up into the sky like a balloon. As it disappeared out of site, I was sadden by the prospect of the bag’s remaining life to hang from a tree, on a bush, or stuck in a ravine for years to come. This darling of our […]
Living Green Makes Cents
Photo by Tracy Olson When people asked me what I believe in, I tell them I believe in family, friendship, and sense of self. But I also believe that living green makes sense. In fact, I believe Green makes cents. Before you pooh-pooh me, realize being green does not mean you have to live in an […]