Are you planning a vacation? We spend time making sure we don’t forget necessary items for our trip, but do we spend that same time to make sure our homes are ready for our vacations? Here are my top 10 tips for vacation-proofing your home.
Find Nearest Public Restroom. Use SitorSquat App.
How many of you have to “hold it” until you get home because you can’t find a bathroom or you refuse to use a public bathroom? Personally, I am a “got to go girl.” After 4 kids I am ready for adult underpants. Well, the Sit and Squat Mobile App and website is a dream […]
Why Is Being Green on Vacation Such a Low Priority?
Here is the sad truth. When you go on vacation, you might as well leave your environmental side at home. Otherwise, you will be stressed to the gills. Trust me. I know. Recently, we spent the week in a vacation resort area of South Carolina. I fought the good fight for a week and […]
Luray Caverns: Mother Earth at her Finest
On the way back from North Carolina to New Jersey, my husband really wanted to visit Luray Caverns in Virginia. Our trip from North Carolina to New Jersey was easily a 12 hour drive without stops. No one in the car really wanted to visit the caverns and just wanted to get home. There would […]
Send a Message to Walt Disney to Green Clean
Photo of the some of the unhappy dwarfs at CHEJ The other day I caught a glimpse of a television ad featuring young children wishing for a Disney World vacation with the slogan that now there are affordable trips to meet everyone’s budgets. With Christmas vacation fastly approaching, how many parents will crunch the numbers […]
Ithaca, New York: Green in so Many Ways
What I love about visiting colleges is that I get to see so many different towns. For years, I have heard about Ithaca, New York because of the famous restaurant, Moosewood. This restaurant is known for its inspiring vegetarian and fish cookbooks. I have one of the Moosewood cookbooks and I must say, every recipe […]
Chicago is the Green Place to Be Where Fashion Blooms
See my 3 Rs dress show below! This summer we are visiting colleges, and have seen about 9 colleges. If you have little ones, the years go by really fast. It seemed like yesterday when he was walking to now he is going to be off on his own. (A tear streaming down my face […]
Green Scenes from Washington DC
Over the weekend, we were in Washington DC looking at colleges for my oldest. We decided to make Washington a family weekend trip while we visited Georgetown and George Washington. Of course, I always have my trusty camera to capture the greening of America as I travel. Here are some of the green finds I […]