Water Conservation has second sibling syndrome. It has always been in the shadow of its sibling, energy conservation. It does not get the same amount of press or urgency. But given the sobering facts that the average person uses 80-100 gallons a day, and only one percent of all water on the Earth is available for our consumption, […]
Water Conservation Products Backed by Education. American Standard’s Newest Effort
I had the pleasure of interviewing Michelle Roberts, the Senior Marketing Director at American Standard about their new water conservation products and educational campaign, the Responsible Bathroom. The resulting podcast and video-cast I entitled “Everything you want to know about Water Conservation but were afraid to ask.” [podcast]http://www.green-talk.com/podcasts/americanstd.mp3[/podcast] Believe me, Michelle left no rock unturned […]
Green News for 09.12.2010. Desk on Demand, College Eco Contest, BPA in Sealants
Photo by Fernando de Sousa. This week we have green news sure to get up going this week. Grab a cup of Joe and start reading. From the demand desk aimed at making telecommuting the norm to BPA in your child’s sealants. Goodbye office, hello ‘desk on demand’ I have been preaching this to any […]
Countless Children Die Daily From Lack of Clean Drinking Water
I received the following email from the co-founder of Blog Catalog, a social media website alerting me to the fact that countless children do not have clean drinking water. Please read his email and watch the above video. “Over 4,000 children die each day due to illness from lack of clean drinking water. Our goal at BlogCatalog […]
Green News for 09.06.10 Cement Eating C02, Smart Meters, and Green Mom Social Study
Photo by Fernando de Sousa. I hope you all are enjoying your Labor Day weekend. Today is beautiful and not a cloud in the sky. How is your weekend treating you? Well, here is some light green reading for you to kick start the old work week tomorrow. Featured are articles ranging from how water increases […]
Running Out of Water Reveals Solutions to Water and Wastewater Issues.
Reducing our carbon footprint have become poster child words for this decade. Most states have rebates and incentives for both homeowners and businesses to curb their energy habits. Heck, the federal government gives investment credits and deductions too. But what about our water consumption? Is water so indispensable that it just isn’t a concern? It […]
NJ Gov Offices, Stop Spending Money on Plastic Water Bottles
I received several emails from Ken Cook, of the Environmental Working Group, one of my favorite watchdogs, regarding the State of New Jersey’s governmental use of plastic water bottles which is paid by taxpayer’s money. We have a wonderful water system in the state. So, why the spend? Over the last couple of months, Governor Christie […]
Re:newal Water, the UnPlastic Disposable Water Bottle
[podcast]http://www.green-talk.com/podcasts/renewal.mp3[/podcast] We are obsessed with our disposable plastic water bottles. In 2006, Americans purchased 31 billion disposable water bottles, according to the Beverage Marketing Corporation . In order to produce that many bottles, 17 million barrels of oil were consumed which does not take into account the energy used in transportation. In addition, 2.5 […]