Can you makeover your apartment on $500 in five days buying items from Craigslist? Hip, decorator Lauren on Craiglist TV did just that for a young couple wanting to enter the grown up world. No more books scattered around the ground, sitting on the floor, and pictures stacked against a wall. They wanted to go from college-scrub to grown-up look-at-my-great-digs chic. But on a budget. And a time frame.
Some of my Used Furniture Scores
Does your abode sound similar to this. Kind of unfinished? You know how much I love thrift shops, Craigslist, and Ebay. I heart used furnture. But to be fair, it takes time to find those perfect pieces. But the hunt is so much fun! Some of my scores:
- Antique Mirror (Craigslist)
- Baker desk (eBay)
- Couch pit for my kids. Never sat on but had a small rip on the back (Craigslist)
- Great lamp (trashcan)
- Used designer office chairs (second hand store)
- Desks for my kids (library sale)
- And the list goes on. Oh, did I tell you I scored a tufted living room couch?
Now, I will admit some of my scores ended up being FreeCycled to someone else. I bought this beautiful fabric but just couldn’t get the grandma smell out of it. The person who took it didn’t care. Books too can be tricky since they can smell. Recycled a bunch since I couldn’t remove that “attic” smell.
I even ended up having an antique couch re-upholstered since I couldn’t remove the perfume smell. Don’t let my bad luck deter you. Just give furniture the smell test. I would clean upholstered furniture anyways.
So, as you can gather, if I had any design sense I could be dangerous. I love design from afar. People like Lauren have the golden touch. And speaking of Lauren:
So what about Lauren? Did she deliver?
And we aren’t talking a mismatched bunch of junk. Lauren took fuggly to a new level and swapped out chair cushions, spray painted furniture, and lined cabinets with fabric. She definitely could have her own HGTV show called “Design on a Craigslist’s Dime.”
So watch the below 7 minutes Craiglist video and tell me you don’t just love Lauren. Her parting words, are you don’t have to spend a lot of money to design your digs. All you need is Lauren! So, hire her if design is not your thing.
Join the conversation:
- What is your favorite Craigslist find?
- How have you remade your home over using items from FreeCycle, Craigslist, garage sales, and thrift shops?
- What is your wish list on items on Craigslist?
Upload your pics of your redesigns or best scores to the GT fan page. (Remember you have to like the page first.) I am anguishly awaiting!
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Monica says
I though you’d want to know there’s a chick in Washington, D.C. copying you (very often!) and is a Lauren wannabe. Her name is Danielle and her blog is called Fresh Quince ( She’s not giving you any props, credit, links, etc. M.
Anna@Green Talk says
Monica, I just went to her site. She is so much fun. Thanks for finding her for me. How did you find her? Any other “Laurens” out there? Anna
garbage removal nj says
500$ is just way too good to be true, but I guess that she had to prove herself to the general public. Lauren is indeed the right person for any couple who want to have a nice home design for just a few bucks. I mean, 500$ is quite small sum for anyone when it comes to remodeling.
bathroom vanities with sink says
You can do that for 500$, but you will bet all your money on creativity and less on quality. If you really want to remodel your home and have something nice, you need a little bit more money. Hope you do not mind my sincere opinion.
Corporate Housing Tucson says
I think to remodel your home you really need more then 500 dollars.Because you don’t put only different things such as a new vase or others like that.You could need to change the paint on the walls and that will go over 500 dollars.I think if you really want to remodel your home then you should think about spending some money because you don’t do that once a week or month.