Aqua EPW is a compact water purification system that removes contaminates from drinking water through capacitance based de-ionizer . The application for this product is for both the residential and commercial markets. The product along with removing contaminates also removes scale from pipes and boilers, which in turns increases energy efficiency. However, it’s ideal use is for areas of the world where clean water is not available.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Bob Atlas, the CEO of Agua EWP and video-taped his PowerPoint presentation. Listed below is a summary about the technology and the benefits of using the EWP. However, to really understand the EWP, I urge you to view either the video presentation or listen to the podcast.
How Does this Product Work?
The Company explains
“[e]lectrodes used are made from activated carbon and other materials. These electrodes are layered into a cell casing. A DC power supply is applied across the electrodes. The individual electrodes are charged with different polarities. The minerals in the water are attracted to the opposite polarity of the electrode, These minerals are electrochemically absorbed on the surface of the electrode creating the purified water. When sufficient minerals are deposited on the electrodes, the minerals are released during a regeneration step. The contaminants fall off the electrode after a flush valve opens discharging the contaminants removed.”
Removing the contaminants (or total dissolved solids) reduces deposits.
The Benefits:
Contaminate Removal
The Company touts that the purifier removes such contaminants as fluoride, arsenic, chrome, lead, nitrates, iron as well as hardness. Not many purifiers remove fluoride except reverse osmosis, activated alumina deflouridation filters, or distillation.
Scale Reducer, Increase Energy Efficiency
In addition, EWP removes scale from pipes and boilers. Scale increases maintenance and reduces energy efficiency. USDOE Office of Industrial Technologies states
“Even thin layers of scale serve as an effective insulator and retard heat transfer. The result is overheating of boiler tube metal, tube failures, and loss of energy efficiency. Fuel waste due to boiler scale may be 2% for water-tube boilers and up to 5% in fire-tube boilers.”
The USDOE provides the following example which explains how scale impacts energy usage costs.
“A boiler annually uses 450,000 million Btu (MMBtu) of fuel while operating for 8,000 hours at its rated capacity of 45,000 pounds per hour (lb/hr) of 150-pounds- per-square-inch-gauge (psig) steam. If scale 1/32nd of an inch thick is allowed to form on the boiler tubes, and the scale is of “normal” composition, the table indicates a fuel loss of 2%. The increase in operating costs, assuming energy is priced at $8.00 per million Btu ($8.00/MMBtu), is:
Annual Operating Cost Increase = 450,000 MMBtu/yr x $8.00/MMBtu x 0.02= $72,000″
For further information about how scale increases the cost of your energy use, see here.
Areas that Need Clean Water
According to Bob Atlas, CEO of Agua EWP, this product’s ideal use is for areas of the world where clean water is not available. The product is also sold with a solar panel for those wishing a renewable energy option or where electricity is not available.
“EWP at 2.5 gallons per minute. This 3,600 gallons per day—essentially enough water, according to WHO standards for 400 people or a village of 100 families.”
Other Benefits
Listed below are additional benefits of using the EWP:
- Simple Operation & Low Operating Costs
- Available with a biofilter which can be washed in the dishwasher.
- Salt-less system. (Reducing salt cost and improving taste of water.)
- Reduces lime deposits from hard water deposits.
- No chemicals and no frequent replacement parts. Easy cleaning with a citric cleaner.
- No pretreatment needed like membranes and media
- 80% to 95%+ Total Dissolved Solid or contaminate reduction
- 75% recovery (25% waste water)
- Removes more contaminants than any single other technology
- Compact Size. The whole house system is 150 gallon tank and is 18″ deep by 12″ wide by 30 inches high. See here for further specifications. Available as an under the counter option, portable water dispenser, whole house or commercial building unit
- Solar Panel option for those wishing a renewable energy option or where electricity is not available.
The commercial unit is a 2.5 to 100 GPM and can convert salt water into potable water.
Call me a cynic, but I always wonder does the technology truly work? The EWP has been tested by Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas in their greenhouse for watering sensitive ornamental plants. Listed below are the results of the deionized water:
See here for further independent tests results.
The units are installed in 1000 different locations which includes home in US, Europe, and Australia, commercial properties, a school in Korea, and drinking systems in rural areas of Korea. Atlas provided me with the following suggested retail pricing. Note, the pricing does not include labor, excessive plumbing and electrical connections. The units are distributed through independent dealers. Contact Atlas for your nearest distributor.
- Water Genie $350 with solar $500
- Whole House $8,000 with tank and pump
- Commercial system 4,000 GPD $8,000 with solar $10,000
Join the Conversation:
- Thoughts about the technology?
- Would you buy one of these units for your home or business?
- Do you see using a unit like this in a rural area?
- Would you use this in an area where accessing clean water is a problem?
- How do you think this technology compares to other water purification products available.
Kinnear says
There is something quite nice about “Areas that Need Clean Water”. I like the idea. I am impressed by the quality of information on this website. There are a lot of good resources here. I am sure I will visit this place again soon. Here is some information.
Trina says
Please anybody tell me What is meant by diffusion and facilitated diffusion?