The other day I was at the gym and a woman next to me turned and whispered, “why is the gym so crowded? I have never seen it like this.” Of course, I smiled and replied, “new years resolution. Wait another 3 weeks and the gym will be back to normal.”
Before the New Years, I asked my fellow green sisters how many resolutions did you actual accomplish. I was set to hear, “Anna, didn’t accomplish many or totally fell off the wagon.” My green women of change continue to astound me and fight the good fight whether personally or globally. I felt like a proud mama bear.
See, I never set New Years resolutions. In my humble opinion, you just set yourself up for failure. But truth be told, in order to grow, you have to stare fear in the eyes and give it the good fight. Fear to be hurt, to reach beyond your comfort zone, and touch your passion is pretty darn scary stuff. So to give you some inspiration, here is some of what my green sisters accomplished and goals set for the New Year:
Don’t Sweat it
I love Jen’s way of setting goals She created a bucket list on her site, Jen and Joey Goes Green, of what she wants to accomplish in a 3 year time frame. As she accomplishes them, she checks them off. And Jen has really accomplished alot. But there was one goal that was unchecked, A kiss in the rain. So here is to Jen’s kiss in 2013.
Lisa of Condo Blues makes goal keeping easy by challenging herself to accomplish one small green goal each month such as last year’s goals of dehydrating tomatoes, replacing her old toilet, and eat from the pantry month. As Lisa reasons, why create new years resolutions that are too hard to keep. I hear ya, Lisa. (By the way, she is my female Bob Villa!)
Climbing a Mountain
Tamara Rubin made a documentary in one year called Mislead. America’s Secret Epidemic, which shines a much needed light on lead toxicity. Talk about a super woman on a mission. Goes to show if you put your mind too it, anything can be accomplished.
Personal Goals Achieved
- Lynn of OrganicMania climbed the weight loss hill of to lose weight and won. See you can do it.
- Michele of Everything’s Abuzz started the year focused on making more food from scratch. Well, she accomplished her goal of making her own yogurt and is on her way to completing her other goals. Did you make something homeamade this year that you are proud of? (You know I did!)
- Tiffany of Nature’s Moms knocked her 2012 goal out of the ball park with simply having more fun. A goal that ALL OF US should strive for. But, I loved her 2013 goal of showing her hubby how much she loved him. How many of us don’t let the people in our life know how special they are? Read how Tiffany plans to shower some love on her hubby.
- Heather Clisby of Green Blogher started an organic farm and by G-d she did it. Way to go Heather. Now where is my black corn you promised me?
Giving One for the Planet
Both Lori of Groovy Green Livin and Brenna of Almost the Truth resolved to fight climate change with only the fervor that these two activists can hurl. (PS. Don’t get in any of these two women’s ways.) Brenna sums up her 2013 new year’s post with these beautiful words.
“Will you join me in reading, writing, and/or supporting those who do to advocate for a better world?”
Which includes Leigh of Green4U, who resolves in 2013 to be an outspoken activist against fracking and educate others about climate change. (You know how I feel about fracking.)
Thanking All of You:
Kristina of the Greening of Westford is a kindred spirit. She thanks all of her readers for their continued support as do I. I cherish each and every one of you. (Especially for letting me bug the heck out of you about my arsenic in rice petition.)
Simple but to the Point
Sonya of Kanelstrand provided a simple road map to living simply. She starts with “get out of your comfort zone” for the month of January and ended the year with “be genuinely happy.”
These are my resolutions that I wish for you this year.
- Be who you are. Never compromise. I for one have come to grips with being multi-passionate. You know my love for gardening, green building, green living and green business is just who I am. My eclectic group of passions may seem incongruous to others but it what’s makes me special. So embrace who you are and make it work. Period.
- Touch your passion every day. If that means be an activist, be creative, or simply love with abandon, just do it. Life is too short.
- Don’t stop trying. Never give up on your dreams. I didn’t and with help of Karen of EcoKaren and Alicia of the Soft Landing, we are forging ahead with Green Sisterhood community, a dream I held in my heart for many years. (More on Green Sisterhood later.)
- Make someone smile every day whether it is to tell someone you like their clothing to a special touch . If we want change in the world, it has to come from us first.
Happy New Year!
Join the Conversation
- What have you accomplished last year?
- What do you hope to accomplish in 2013. Inspire us.
Picture by virginsuicide photography.
Lynn Anne Miller (@organicmania) says
Anna, what a lovely post and thanks to the link to my post from last year.
Unfortunately the flip side of accomplishing my weight loss and organizational goals meant that I really toned down my blogging! All that sitting around doesn’t exactly help.
But what’s really cool is that two of our @GreenMoms sisters – KarenHanrahan and Sommer Poquette – helped me to achieve my weight loss goals. I couldn’t have done it without them, so I guess blogging did help after all!
Happy New Year!
Anna@Green Talk says
Lynn, I love that 2 of the green moms helped you out. Congrads on the weight loss and organization. Too really big goals accomplished.
Kristina (The Greening Of Westford) says
What a fantastic roundup and so inspirational! This is a fantastic group of women. I am so happy and proud to be a part of it. Happy New Year, friend.
Anna@Green Talk says
Kristina, but it is women like you that inspire me. Yes, our group rocks. Happy New Year to you too. Anna
Sonya Kanelstrand says
I am so proud with our group of extraordinary women! Reading your post I became more and more excited with each woman’s resolutions and her way of following them through. There is so much to learn from each other and I feel that with this post you are putting a corner stone into our shared road ahead. Here’s to an amazing 2013 and an even stronger friendship. Because together we are stronger!
Anna@Green Talk says
Sonya, I absolutely loved your monthly time table. So simple but so freakin’ true. Anna
condo blues says
Thanks for including me in your wrap up. I’m happy to say I kept all 12 small green changes we tried in 2012. One of these days I WILL teach you how to use a compound miter saw!
Anna@Green Talk says
Lisa, YOU will teach me a compound miter saw. Inside of let’s do lunch, let’s do trim. Anna
Leigh says
Thanks for including me Anna! There are so many great goals here. Thank goodness there are lots of people out there working to make this place greener and healthier for all of us. We cannot do it on our own!
Heres to a great 2013 and reviewing our success in 2014!
Anna@Green Talk says
Leigh, I don’t know what the world would do without all of these lady warriors. I am proud to part of this elite group. How else would I have met you? Anna
Brenna says
Thanks for including me too Anna! I am so impressed by the women represented here. Knowing this is only a fraction of people attempting green goals this year makes me very optimistic for 2013!
Anna@Green Talk says
Brenna, how would I have met any of them if it wasn’t for you? I feel the same way about 2013.