Update: 6/5/2016. Karen and I decided to close Green Sisterhood since our own busy lives kept getting in the way. For me, my herb business just got too busy and I couldn’t devote the time to Green Sisterhood.
Karen and I still remain in contact with the women in the network and it was an honor to work with them and some of the brands that believed in our mission.
Over the last couple of months, I may have seemed more scattered on Green Talk since I was busy forming a new venture, Green Sisterhood, which is a group of 23+ green women bloggers who share my same desire to create a healthier, toxic free Planet for all of its inhabitants. Instead of one lone voice such as mine, now there is a united chorus. So, you might ask why another venture? It’s a dream I had for five years.
Early on in my blogging career, I knew that no matter how loud I screamed, I was the “only tree” in the forest that no one heard fall. One small voice among so many other voices.
Over the years, I teamed up with several other passionate green women on issues and we formed a network. As that group continued to expand, I continued to nudge, became a pest, and constantly reminded my fellow green women that we needed to team up if we wanted to be heard.
Wasn’t Just the Environmental Aspect
But, it wasn’t just the environmental voice that I craved. It was the respect that I felt bloggers deserve.
Blogging isn’t as glamorous as it seems. PR companies ask you to review their client’s products and dangle a free product and maybe a giveaway in your face. At first, I was so elated that someone to ask me my opinion.
What I found out as I continued to blog that companies treated bloggers like one night stands. Most the time, the company get their review and move on. If you are lucky, your article is mentioned in a passing comment on one of their social media channels.
Their PR agent forgot your name after you hit publish. There is very little mutual relationship building and far and few payments. Many of my fellow bloggers were struggling and websites have been shut down due to financial issues.
This blogging culture saddened me. So I struggled on how could I change the blogging culture and continue writing about my environmental passion.
Deep in my heart I knew if these brilliant women must form a group so we could change how companies would do business with us. As a group, we had the clout to make a difference. Best yet, we had the drive and the brains to take their businesses to the next level.
How Did a Dream Start to Become Reality?
The first time I met Karen Lee of Dr. Karen Lee, we talked for hours. During our conversation, I brought up my dream and watched her reaction. Instinctively, I saw the twinkle in her eye as I knew she was listening to me. Honestly, I didn’t know if she thought I was completely out of my mind or truly understood my desire to take this group to a new level. Heck, I hardly knew Karen.
Talking to Karen was the best decision I ever made. A few months later, she agreed to help create this group with me along with the help of our consultant, Alicia Voorhies of the Soft Landing. So, Green Sisterhood went from a dream into fruition last Fall.
Some of the women who leaped aboard are newer to the blogging world; while others are veteran bloggers like me. We are diverse as we are similar.
As Green Sisterhood took shape, Karen, Alicia and I created a three pillar platform: community, how to make green so people could opt to buy green, and brand green which helps green brands convince others to buy green.
Create Community
Our largest goal was to create community. So, we created “Be Green” pillar to inspire and encourage others to continue on their sustainable journeys. Think of Green Sisterhood as a safe haven. A virtual co-op of like minded people.
Over the last couple of weeks, we have started publishing content to the blog. In each post we highlight our network bloggers’ content to increase awareness and education. In addition, every Friday, there is a link-up post, where other green women outside the network can promote their own work. In the future, we will offer webinars encouraging discussion among our community members.
As I have told you before, it is a lonely world out there for us greenies who don’t live in a community that celebrates being green. We aren’t the only ones feeling this way. In just four months, our Facebook page has grown in leaps and bounds despite Facebook’s newest policy of limiting content to your news feed. (Now you know why you no longer see most of your friends’ news on Facebook.)
Complete Self-Sufficiency–How to Make Green
The second pillar of our mission is to teach bloggers on how to make money online so they continue to do what they enjoy so much. We want our fellow bloggers and business owners to succeed.
In that vein, our first interview with Amy Lynn Andrews was outstanding. She provided tips on how to give your blog a much needed makeover which tips helped the newbies as well as the old dogs. And yes, old dogs can learn new tricks.
We will continue to offer expert interviews and provide our own insights. Each one of the green sisters is a social media and savvy maven in their own rights.
Change–Brand Green
The last pillar is helping our beloved green companies to increase their reach through paid content and social media marketing. The green sisters are born educators and have skillfully helped their readers to navigate the murky green waters. But our green companies are out there every day fighting to show the world that you can be profitable and care for the Planet. We are here to help them to get the word about their stories, products, and vision.
Bottom line? We want you to know about why these companies deserve your trust and loyalty.
AND we are up for the challenges to help move this world forward.
Bottom Line.
All we are missing is you.
Please join our community and get involved. Keep updated on all the Green Sisterhood events and blog post by signing up for our Newsletter. Don’t stop there.
- Come to our seminars and twitter parties.
- Follow us on Twitter and talk to us
- Comment on our blog to share your ideas and concerns.
- Talk to us in our G+ community
- Get involved in our discussions on our Facebook Page.
As I always have said it takes a community to create change. We created the community. Now help us create the change.
Join the Conversation:
- Has it been lonely being green in your community?
- Are you a blogger who feels isolated looking for a network?
Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking says
Oh I am so glad to have discovered your blog!! I am on my way to check out the newsletter. Thanks!
Anna@Green Talk says
Alicia, love your blog. Are you the owner of the soap company listed on your sidebar?
karen says
So so lucky to have met you on that fateful day in NJ! I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it since I had another appointment that was running late. But I’m glad you made the effort to meet me, even though I was late.
Green Sisterhood is going. to. rock!
Thank you for being YOU!
Anna@GreenTalk says
Karen, it was meant to be that day. Thanks for your undying passion and faith. The best is yet to come.
Brenna says
You and Karen both rock! I can’t wait to see what this community builds for ourselves and everyone else looking for a sense of belonging and respect.
Anna@GreenTalk says
Brenna, it is women like you that inspired Green Sisterhood. Keep telling all the truth. Anna
Debbie Steinberg Kuntz says
This sounds like a promising idea and sisterhood! Just signed up for your newsletter and look forward to keeping posted!
Anna@Green Talk says
Welcome aboard. Hope to see your comments on Green Sisterhood as well. It takes a community. Anna
Lynn Anne Miller (@organicmania) says
Anna, so happy to see you living your dream. I’m really rooting for you guys! Sometimes I wish I had joined in when you asked, but you know, there are only so many hours in the day….!
Rinkesh says
Great work gals. This is my first visit to your bog and I am just loving it. Congrats on your journey. Hope you achieve new milestones.
Anna@Green Talk says
Thank you for the well wishes! Anna
Sayed Imran Qadri says
Anna hearty congratulation to you for your new dynamic achievement of Green Sister Hood….I m really very happy for you……Now Soon looking forward to hear of New Green Brother Hood & would love to be a part of it…..
Have fun God Bless you enjoy your days…..
Sayed Imran Qadri
Anna@Green Talk says
There is room for green boys too. We all came from the same “mother.” Anna