- Watch this trailer park movie of the upcoming BagIT. It will break your heart on what are plastic consumption is doing to our animal friends. Our very own Green Mom, Beth Terry of Fake Plastic Fish, was interviewed for a segment in the film. See her account, here.
- Sharing Backyards via EarthEasy’s newsletter. What is this program all about?
“Sharing Backyards encourages urban gardening by connecting those who have space to garden and are willing to share with those who would like to have a gardening space. The program makes maximum use of city space by making sure that even those who dwell in apartments, condos, and shared housing have ample place to garden. It connects neighbours of different socio-economic conditions together in a atmosphere of trust while doing something that beautifies the homeowner’s yard and provides food for everyone.”
Want to start a program in your area? See here.
“Designed as a compact stand-alone lighting alternative for off-grid parking lots and other municipal, commercial or industrial areas, the new EverGEN 1710 light combines advanced motion-sensing capabilities with a range of energy saving operating profiles to ensure bright, reliable illumination whenever and wherever it’s needed.”
Intended for distribution in early 2010.
- FDA to hold hearing on October 21-22 on the use of Gardsill for boys. You know the drug that is marketed as not one more? (Be serious, FDA. I guess deaths f rom this vaccine was not enough for you to open your eyes . See my article here on the subject of how scary this vaccine is.) Just because you can’t attend, doesn’t mean you can’t have your say. The public can send in comments via acip@cdc.gov. Don’t be shy, folks.
- Looptworks clothing line features 20 different up-cycled clothing pieces for men and women which includes jackets, hoodies, skirts, shirts and graphic t-shirts. Each product is a limited-edition and will be numbered based on the quantity of materials that are found for each item
“Looptworks is a ground-breaking business that repurposes abandoned materials into meaningful, long-lasting and limited-edition products. By re-using the world’s pre-consumer excess, the U.S.-based company aims to rid the world of waste while inspiring a generation to reduce their impact on the planet.”
It is a very interactive site where models shows you the front and back of the clothes. Very ingenious.
Kids Konserve is now offering an insulated bag to slip into their ultra-green no waste lunch bag. It comes complete with a no sweat ice pack. See my article about this waste free company. In addition, Green Talk readers can receive a 15% off of their products until September 30, 2009. Just put in the code “greentalk.”
Readers, do you have any great green news to share? Comment away.
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