I am so excited that I have finally added a forum to the site. But this forum is no ordinary forum thanks to the creators of Ning. I have my very own facebook-like network for Green Talk. Yes, really. No kidding. I know you all are so excited you are asking someone to pinch you. Gosh, I don’t blame you. I am pretty excited myself. (I think I already said that.)
I have added some groups such as Green Mamas, Green Papas, Green Builder lovers, and Organic Gardeners. Anyone can add a group. For example if you want to form a group for baby boomers, alternative energy lovers, Fashionistas, Garage Sale lovers, or Good Guy afficionados, go for it.
You can post your own blogs for everyone to see, put your own personal blog in the RSS feed, and upload pictures and videos. There is even a chat function so you can talk amongst yourselves!
The best part of this site is you can start discussions so everyone can help. Discussions are posted right on the front page. If you want to start a discussion how to make more money on your blog, or which dog food does everyone like, add it. I will be watching the discussions, and am hoping someone creates a wordpress plug-in so everyone can see the discussions right on the front page of Green Talk. (If there is one, please tell.)
I have always said that Green Talk is a community helping each other. My articles are merely a place to start a dialog.
So, sign in just like Facebook and create your own personal page. Then grab a badge for your site, invite your friends, and encourage others to join. Start Green Talking…
Just make my day, okay?
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