Hey, Mr. Green is a cumulative assortment of green every day questions and answers posed to Bob Schildgen (aka “Mr Green”) for his column in the Sierra Magazine. The column was started in 2005 to provide useful answers to question posed by their confused or curious readers who wished to protect the environment in their daily lives.
When I received the book, I thought the questions would be based upon in depth, tree-hugging, environmental concerns given my perception of what Sierra Club is all about. I was pleasantly surprised since the topics were practical and right-on with everyone’s concerns. It was divided into five sections: “At Home” ( domestic details,) “Food for Thought” (eating and drinking better while spending less,) “Out and About” (fueling up and the great outdoors,) “The three Rs ( you know what this means, ) and “The Big Picture” (environmental politics, religion, and other interesting meal time topics.)
I am not normally a fast reader, but I read this book quite quickly. Due to the amount of questions and light hearted short answers by Schildgen, I was never bored. His writing style is easy going with the right mix of humor and authority.
What were some of my favorite parts of the book? It is funny, but the questions posed on the front of the book cover were some of my favorites: “Should I buy my beer in bottles or cans?” and “What’s the greenest oil company?” I guess the editor or Schildgen liked these questions too! Other parts that I enjoyed included the discussion about nuclear power plants and when to replace your appliances. He even included his salsa recipe that I am eager to try.
When I received the book, my intentions were to give this book away to one of Green Talk’s lucky readers. Since reading the book, I have changed my mind and decided to selfishly keep it for myself. Schildgen’s book is a great resource that I will refer to again and again. It contains a terrific topic index as well as the author’s resource notes for his answers.
I highly recommend this book to everyone who struggles with living a greener lifestyle. Schildgen’s common sense approach to every day environmental dilemmas can make that transition so much easier. The book can be pre-ordered at a special price of $11.25 here. Books will be shipped in mid-May.
Photo by permission of the Sierra Club
Phil the Plumbing Course Expert says
Thanks for sharing this great book! I’m interested also to purchase.
yellowplum says
Thanks for this–it will definitely come in handy!
Melissa Milan says
I really enjoyed this book and it is a key part of my greenbook library! I particularly appreciated the question-answer format and the overall breadth of the book. Schildgen is extremely knowledgeable and this book covers topics ranging from organic food and composting to health/body care and green building. Excellent book!
Green Talk says
Melissa-is there any other green book you would reccommend? Anna
margi gotses says
Mr. Green,
Would it be more enviromentally sound to maintain existing tennis courts or build new ones? Also in the 1940’s and1950’s were any hazardous materials used in construction of tennis courts ? Our local club is trying to sell our tennis court property saying they can build a new one at a new site for less than maintaining the old courts. What is your opinion?????? You may e-mail me at : margi.gotses@gmail.com or call me at 304-366-7538 or my cell # 304-276-9071. sincerely, margi