Welcome Guest Poster, Alexandra Gnoske, Author of Loui Saves the Earth,
Around 70 years ago we experienced some major changes in the United States. “Better living through chemistry,” “Agribusiness,” and “Consumerism” caused a major shift in our culture that created some of today’s major environmental issues. These changes brought plastic, pesticides, and large amounts of waste into our everyday lives.
Massive Islands of trash in the oceans, dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico, an increase in asthma, unfertile soil, toxic chemicals in our food and water, these are just some of the issues we face today that have many parents concerned about their children’s future.
However, when I look towards the future I see tremendous hope and potential. Unlike 22 years ago when I first entered the environmental field, people today are aware and concerned about the environment. Many people want to help; they want to make a positive change.
Inspiring and Empowering Families
I am here to inspire and empower people to do just that. I show families and kids that their everyday choices make all the difference for the planet through my workshop “How to Be a Superhero for Planet Earth,” my book, “Loui Saves the Earth,” and my monthly e-newsletter, CLUB LOUI.
As a mother of three I know many families are busy and stretched to their limits. I also know that children’s health and safety, which revolves around many environmental issues, is of primary importance to parents. This is why I keep things SIMPLE. In fact, I think that is the way to really make a positive impact, through simple, everyday choices.
“How to Be a Superhero for Planet Earth” is a workshop I designed for children to show them that they have the power to make a positive difference for the planet. From turning off lights and shutting off the water, to environmentally responsible lunch supplies, and cutting up plastic soda pop rings, there are a lot of positive environmental choices kids can make everyday. Kids enjoy hands on activities that reinforce simple lessons and take part in an important discussion about their impact on the planet. When kids see their choices matter, they are empowered to do more.
If you aren’t in Chicagoland you can still share the simple and inspiring story “Loui Saves the Earth” with your kids about a boy and his dog and how they make a difference for the planet. You can get a preview of the book, and order it through Amazon, or go to RECYCLE ME to order your personalized, signed copy.
From anywhere in the U.S. you can share environmental tips and information on the simple everyday ways your family can make a difference for the planet when you sign up for CLUB LOUI (email ), a monthly e-newsletter.
It is truly a joy and privilege to work with children (and families) and experience the curiosity, energy, and excitement they feel in helping the planet, the animals, and each other.
Share Your Children’s Stories
Is your child already making simple choices to help the environment? Help empower other children by sharing their stories at the “Be a Superhero for Planet Earth” blog.
Anna here. Check out some of the cute stories on Alexandra’s blog. From the mouth of babes.
Being a Superhero for Planet Earth is about simple everyday choices. It’s truly a way of life.
Alexandra Gnoske is an Environmental Expert and passionate about empowering families and children to make simple everyday choice that will help the planet. She has a Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Biology and a Juris Doctorate in Environmental Law. But most importantly, she has loved wildlife since she was a little girl, and that is what inspires her.
Anna here. Thanks Alexandra for empowering kids to make a difference. You can order Alexandra’s book, Loui Saves the Earth at the Green Talk Store and get busy empowering your kids or grandkids. Thanks for your support since every purchase at the GT Store helps me to keep delivering awesome content every week.
Join the Conversation:
How have your children inspired you to make green changes in your lives?
What small or large changes have your children made to green their world?
What have your children taught you to start making changes in your world?
What are your biggest struggles with greening your family?
Alexandra Gnoske says
Anna, thank your for sharing my message with your readers and letting me join the conversation!
Tatum Cook says
Great article! I think starting kids out on the path of green habits is the way to do it. It’s kind of like how I just automatically get in the car and put on my seatbelt just because it’s what I’ve always done. Hopefully my children will have the same habits about conservation.
Check out some ways to buy less packaging by making Homemade Pancakes
Alexandra D. Gnoske says
I love any way I can reduce packaging, and baking at home is definitely a great idea. We just made banana pancakes this morning. I am looking forward to reading your recipe and adding it to our cook book.
Carrie Kelleher says
Great article, Alix! My kids love “Loui Saves The Earth” and since reading your book we have a contest in our house. Whenever someone is “caught” forgetting to turn their bedroom light off they get a checkmark. The person with the least amount of checkmarks after a month or so gets to pick out the movie for movie night!
Alexandra D. Gnoske says
Carrie – thanks for your post! I am always please to hear how “Loui Saves the Earth” has inspired kids and their families!
Anna@Green Talk says
Tatum, just checked out your homemade pancakes. Yum, especially the pumpkin ones. Did you see my buckwheat ones on the site? Anna
Anna@Green Talk says
Carrie, thanks for posting so everyone see how Loui does in fact teach children on how important it is to save the Earth. I like the checkmark system. Do you think it will work with teenagers? My teens are notorious for leaving lights on!
What are some of the behavior changes your family has changed since reading Loui Saves the Earth? Anna
Anna@Green Talk says
Alexandra, my pleasure and thank you for writing your book. What are some of the behavior changes are you hearing about from family who read your book? Anna
Alexandra D. Gnoske says
Anna, kids are so excited to be able to make a difference for the planet. One thing I am working on is figuring out what to do with all the #6 school lunch containers. Kids are always asking me what they can do with those containers and I don’t have a good answer for them.
You’ve inspired me to put my list online. When I talk with kids I give them a sheet with everyday things kids can do to help the planet. I’ve had kids tell me they were able to make all the changes on the list and they are so happy about it. I’m going to post it on the Loui Saves the Earth website so anyone can download it anytime.
Anna@Green Talk says
Alexandra, polystrene is a huge problem especially with food containers. Most polystyrene recyclers won’t take back these containers. Some people take them and use them as filler for large flower containers so it makes it easier to move the planter around.
Basically, I tell people to refuse polystrene food containers and bring your own plastic containers for food. For peanuts and packaging, again tell your sender not to send them. In case that they do, check with your local UPS if they will take back the strene. If not, see http://www.epspackaging.org/ for the nearest EPS recycler. Anna
Alexandra Gnoske says
Thanks for that information. I talked to Terracycle and I know they are working on the problem.
But we really need to just not have polystyrene produced for so many products, like the school lunch containers. Kids who order hot lunches don’t really have a choice. Not all of them can have their parents make them lunch. We need to get whoever makes the hot lunches to use some other material. I will update you on our progress at our elementary school.
Gina says
I have already starting inspiring some children I have just met about being more earth conscious. They are learning about composting and also learning to recycle their old toys. I believe it is important to teach them while they are young, since the adults are so set in their ways and may not be able to see into what it actually does to the planet/environment.
Anna@Green Talk says
Gina, this is great. Tell me how you are teaching them? I agree with you about adults and teach our young is imperative to change the world. Anna
Alexandra D. Gnoske says
I completely agree about teaching them when they are young. It is a lot of fun too! My next book it “Loui Saves the Worms.” It is about soil fertility in a fun way of course! Lots of luck to you. Best, Alix