I usually do not post on Saturday, but this short video about how we as a society could a learn from whales just took my breath away. Gunther Pauli narrates this short video. It is only a one and one-half minute video that brings home the theme that if we could just learn what Mother Nature has perfected, we could get out of our mess.
Ever since I heard Janine Benyus, a biologist and author of Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature talk about Biomimicry, I have become a true believer of this science.
“The core idea is that nature, imaginative by necessity, has already solved many of the problems we are grappling with. Animals, plants, and microbes are the consummate engineers. They have found what works, what is appropriate, and most important, what lasts here on Earth. This is the real news of biomimicry: After 3.8 billion years of research and development, failures are fossils, and what surrounds us is the secret to survival,” as explained on the website of the Biomimicry Institute.
I urge you to watch Janine’s TED presentation. She is extraordinary. Every university and college should have a course study in Biomimicry. In my opinion, courses in this science should be required in the engineer, environmental science, building science, and architectural schools.
What are your thought of the whale video?
What are your thoughts about learning from Nature?
Better yet, are you enjoying this beautiful Saturday? (Or “were you” if you read this after Saturday?)
Thanks to Han Lak of One Person Can Make a Difference for this tip via one of my Linked-in Discussions.
Off to whack the Amaranth. No, it is not Amaranth abuse. I am simply removing the seeds from the flowers. The seeds are an amazing protein filled grain!
Robin says
I think nature teaches us everything we need to know to sustain ourselves but we don’t listen. A 50 ton animal that can live in the ocean traveling thousands of miles a year eating microscopic food sure makes a human that cannot go a day with a coffee or a hamburger look silly. They don’t wear clothes, they don’t fall victim to marketing gimmicks they do what they must to survive.
Anna@Green Talk says
Robin, beautifully stated. Sometimes you wonder who is the smartest animal? Anna