Did you know there are two different tarragons? One is Russian Tarragon and the other is French Tarragon. The later is used in cooking. So what is Russian Tarragon and why haven’t you heard much about it? Probably because Russian Tarragon is viewed as the ugly stepsister to the Cinderella French Tarragon. However, I beg […]
Fall Vegetable Gardening. Starts at the Beginning of Summer
Summer just started but believe it or not, it is time to start thinking about fall vegetable gardening. I live in zone 6 with a frost date of October 10. If I have any hope of a fall garden, I have to start some of my seeds in June or July! See why below […]
Are Your Organic Fertilizers Safe? Better Check.
Are you an avid food label reader? How about reading the labels of your favorite vegetable fertilizer? You should be. I am avid organic gardener but was shocked that The National Organic Program, which regulates organic farming, permits certain ingredients in organic fertilizers. Listed below are the ingredients in question.
Row Covers: 6 Reasons Why They Are Must Have in the Garden
Every year I hear gardening friends lament about how “someone” ate their strawberries. Or that someone’s friend devoured their seedlings. There are lots of someones in the land of gardening who find what you grow to be quite yummy. So, I resort to row covers to help me keep those “someones” at bay. If I […]
How to Germinate Celery Seeds. Fix that Love/Hate Relationship.
Don’t you hate when you can’t grow a certain vegetable no matter how you try? And then one day, it magically grows? Well, welcome to my life with celery. Germination is a b*tch. Some years we had a great relationship and others years it was spotty. This on and off again relationship was haunting me. […]
Flower Essences: The Emotional Blockage Game Changer
Have you ever stopped to wonder why flowers captivate us so much? I grow numerous flowers from seed for my vegetable garden. Flowers just make me happy. So, I wasn’t surprised to learn that flower essences, which are derived from the vibrational imprint of flowers, help heal emotional blockages They are powerful, yet so healing.
How to Make a Salve Using Calendula & Comfrey
As delightful as summer can be, it can torture on your skin. Bug bites, rashes, eczema, poison ivy, and scratches all come to mind. So, now is the time to learn how to make a salve using healing comfrey and calendula before summer arrives. Let’s get busy.
Grow Plants from Seeds. 4 Reasons Why you Should
Growing plants from seeds indoors is such a win win to create a bountiful harvest. I am in zone 6 and we have unpredictable weather from cold wet springs to really dry summers. If I want to grow a descent harvest, then I have to grow seeds indoors to take advantage of that perfect window […]