Toxic chemicals and I don’t get along. Our relationship is fraught with disappointment, anger, and confusion. Confused that the government doesn’t require proof of safety before chemicals are introduced to the market thanks to the outdated Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA). Angry because my children suffer from all these chemicals. Disappointed that no one is protecting us. So to say I have a chemical chip on my shoulder is putting it mildly. This is why I need your help to pass the Safe Chemical Act so no more children are harms by chemicals that are simply rubber stamp through the system.
The time is now. The bill is heading to the Senate for a vote.
What’s all the fuss, Anna?
Let me back-up after spilling my emotions. The Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) enacted in 1976 has not been updated since its inception. Consequently, TSCA grandfather 62,000 chemicals. The law did not require for those chemicals or any new chemicals to the market to be reviewed for safety by the EPA.
In order to overhaul the bill, our elected representatives must be aboard. Sadly given our bi-partisan country, many senators are not aboard. Worse yet, “Big Biz” is using it political klout to thwart efforts to make sure this bill doesn’t pass. Andy Igrejas, Campaign Director of Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families, states,
“Today’s report by Common Cause, Toxic Spending, is a powerful reminder of what we’re up against in our pursuit of common sense limits on toxic chemicals. Companies like Dow, Dupont, and ExxonMobil have constructed an elaborate political machine to shield their products from independent scrutiny, whether it’s by the public or government scientists. They are to blame for the lack of an effective chemical safety system in the country. They are also therefore to blame for that harm that chemicals have done to the millions of American families suffering any of the chronic diseases or conditions that have been linked to chemical exposure.” (Linked added.)
Every day, we hear about increases in ADD, learning disabilities, cancer, diabetes, endocrine disorders, and autism to name a few. My family suffers from many of these disorders. Lindsay Dahl, Deputy Director of the Safe Chemicals sent chills down my spine when she wrote in a recent article.
“I have always felt that getting a handle on toxic chemicals is an urgent matter. But some news headlines in the last few weeks have underscored that urgency. Boys are now facing early puberty, just like their girl counterparts, breast cancer rates are rapidly rising in female firefighters and nearly one in six children have some form of learning or developmental disability.”
No one should have to endure such issues. And yes, this fight for the passage of this Act is personal. For many of you who don’t know, all four of my boys have learning disabilities, two have ADD, and one has juvenile diabetes. We are part of the “one in six children.” And I know I am not alone. You might be in my same boat.
In trying to deal with son #3 ADD, we found he has high levels of antimony in his body. Antimony is a flame retardant and is also a chemical in plastic bottles.
As I say these words, tears weld up in my eyes because I may have contributed in some way to their issues. Was it something they ate, drank, or use. Was it something they wore? Is it something I ate or did when I was pregnant? How about the paints, caulks, and carpet that we use in houses?
Because of their issues, in 2005, I built an a low toxic Energy Star house. Now, I can’t go into stores where the furniture or fabric smells of chemicals since I am accustomed to my safe house. Headaches and disorientation overwhelm my body since I am not longer use to the onslaught of chemicals.
Can you imagine what it is doing to our children?
So What Can You Do?
Instead of being victims we need to fight back. Here’s how you can help.
- Take Action and sign the pledge.
- Call your state candidates and ask them to support the Safe Chemicals agenda
- Use Social Media to support the Act. Sample Facebook post:
I’ve joined people across the country asking my Congressional candidates to stand up for kids NOT Big Chemical! Tell your Congressional candidates that you reject the chemical lobby’s agenda and instead support the Safer Chemicals Agenda! Sign our action today:
- Action link for ALL states (if your state isn’t listed below, use this):
Actions for some specific states:
- Connecticut:
- Delaware:
- Massachusetts:
- Michigan:
- Montana:
- Pennsylvania:
- Maine:
- Florida:
- Washington:
- West Virginia:
- Ohio:
When using Twitter:
- Sample tweets (general):
I reject the chemical lobby’s agenda & support the #SafeChemicalsAct! Sign @SaferChemicals’ action now:
Let your Congressional candidates know that you stand with #KidsNotChemicals & sign the @SaferChemicals action now:
Sample tweet to candidates (be sure to send to all candidates for a particular race):
Hi @CandidateZ I’m concerned about the chemical lobby spending $$ – Please stand with our families, NOT Big Chemical! @SaferChemicals.
- Write a letter to the editor to your local newspaper calling on all candidates to support protections from toxic chemicals. Tips for writing a letter can be found here.
Will you join me and take action? It is time for reform.
Join the Conversation:
- Have any of your loved ones been harmed by the chemicals in our environment?
- Does your state have a US Senator who isn’t aboard to pass this Act?
- How do you feel about the state of chemical approval now in this country?
Similar Posts:
- Toxic Chemicals: Say No More. Urge 7/25 Vote for the Safe Chemical Act
- Urgent! Tell Congress to Pass Pending Safe Chemicals Act
- The Coalition for Chemical Safety, Front for Status Quo Toxic Chemicals
- Safe Chemical Reform. Lend Your Voice to Say It’s Time Congress.
- Mind the Store. Retailers, Sell Products Sans +100 Hazardous Chems
Megan says
Thank you for sharing about this important issue and for providing ways to take action!
Anne says
You’re right, it is personal. Praying that we all can find the answers to what’s making too many kids sick.
Anna@Green Talk says
Anne, it is down right scary and so many people have horrid story of how chemicals are affecting them as well as their children. Anna
Lindsay says
Anna, Thanks for sharing your personal story with us. Many families are facing the challenges of raising children with ADD, learning disabilities, cancer, early puberty. We must love and cherish the wonderful children here today and fight like hell to prevent exposures to harmful toxic chemicals for future generations! You are awesome!
Anna@Green Talk says
Lindsay, we are lucky to have Safer Chemicals fighting on the front lines. Thanks to all that you do to keep us informed and mobilized. Anna
Becki says
This is personal. The smell of “fragrance” now overwhelms me since we switched to all-natural. I hate that there are things in my house that could be dangerous for my kids. I’m glad we are working together on this.
Anna@Green Talk says
Becki, me too. I can’t stand smells of any kind anymore. You don’t realize what your senses become use to.
Isabela says
Dear All,
A way to fight back is by stop buying and using a lot of chemicals! Try to convince peoples not to buy and to try to use alternative ways. For example cleaning products. I am using for the floor: in the washing water I add vinegar, baking soda and some drops of tea tree oil and so on. The internet is full with these kind of solutions. Be aware as well that all those products doesn’t affect only you, but are affecting for example the peoples and children around the places they are produced or the raw materials are produced (ex China and there the companies do not respect environment such as in developed countries) There are products that are based on earth resources and their exploitation leads to environment destruction – forests, mountains and so on….
Anna@Green Talk says
Well stated Isabela. Do you solely use vinegar, baking soda and tea tree oil for washing and if so tell me the amounts of each per load. Anna