National Geographic will be airing, “Six Degrees Could Change the World” again on February 14, 2007 at 8pm eastern time or 9 pm pacific time. According to a spokesperson for National Geographic, the premiere reached over 6 million people. This film portrays a hypothetical look at the devastating effects to our planet as if continues to heat degree by degree from our lack of emission controls. It will bring home that we need to change our ways. Tape or Tivo this movie if you are unable to watch it tonight. (Then of course, unplug the device…)
See this video at 4 degrees hotter than today.
Anyone who has seen this movie or will see it tonight, I would love feedback as to what you thought.
Mark @ TalkClimateChange says
Is there any way that those of us who don’t live in the US (or don’t have Nat Geographic) can get a copy of or download this film??
Mark @ TalkClimateChange’s last blog post..Prices, Deaths and Strategy
Green Talk says
I was told by one of their spokepeople that you can get it on in April. Here is the link: degrees could change the world&x=0&y=0You can pre-order it now though.
Has anyone seen this show yet since this is their second airing? I would be curious of what people thought. Anna
katecontinued says
I am still trying to decide what I think. The National Geographic Network network is not a leader for me in truth telling. There have been so many religiously slanted programs, military type things, a new cop show.
Let’s just say I am skeptical. Another thing, I was appalled to see the Greenwashing ads for Dow, Hummer, PepsiCo’s 7-up, Clorox’s Green Works, Unicsom sleeping pills, Mitzubitchi car, Nutrisystem though.
Green Talk says
katecontinued, thanks for your candid comment. Did you find the show well documented to support their assumptions as to what will happen to the world? Anna
Jason says
I have it on my DVR just waiting to be watched. We’re going to watch The 11th Hour next Thursday night, too. Its one of the few midwest showings and its close to home.
I’ll be back after I’ve watched the films.
Jason’s last blog post..My Saturday Purchases
Mandy says
I just watched it, really thought provoking. Even if you are sceptical I would recommend viewing this one.
Green Talk says
Thanks, Mandy for the view. Anna
Steve says
I haven’t seen this yet but for those that haven’t seen “An Inconvienient Truth” should do so, now add 2 years all the events are beginning to unfold. Wake up now.
Lindsay says
This movie is scary, but I enjoy it. I want to help out anyway I can, but it has helped me realize that I really need to travel the world. I can’t trust humans to fight against global warming, or that even though I live more environmentally friendly, I can change the world. So, I need to get out of America and see what makes Earth so fantastic.
I wish I could save the planet. I can try and I will be more aware and spread the word.. but I wish it wasn’t true. I realize this is predicting the future, but some of this has already happened. I want to believe this movie is totally bogus, but it’s not. That’s the most disturbing part.