Ordinarily I don’t review books that do not have an environmental bent. However, LESSONS TO MY CHILDREN: Simple Life Lessons for Financial Success, Wealth, and Abundance by Mark Cohen and Weston D Burnett intrigued me given our economic times. Our own children are witnessing our mistakes but what kind of financial education have we been […]
Green Mom Dish about How they Dig Spring
Spring is here and I am giddy about the prospects of growing my garden again. Each year is different from the last one with new plants to grow. Some have even come back since I forgot about them from last year. See my turnip left in the dirt since last Fall? And if you are […]
School Supplies are Environmentally Frustrating
In the next couple of weeks, our children will be heading back to another year of school. Think of the countless binders, pencil cases, crayons, pencils, and other paraphernalia we buy. But what I dread more than buying school supplies, is the end of the year when I have to dispose of all those beat […]
Elmer’s Glue Sticks and Bottle Recycling Program & Giveaway
See Update below: 12/21/2010: TerraCycle is now collecting glue bottles and sticks as part of their brigade program. Check out the giveaway below! If you have kids, you have Elmer’s glue in the form of glue sticks or glue bottle. My kids are notorious for leaving off the glue stick caps or using way too much glues […]
EcoBunga!’s $100 Sage Creek Organic Gift Certificate Giveaway
I received an email from my friends at Ecobunga! telling me about their great Earth Day Giveaway. I have previouly written about them since I love their concept. Think online sweepstakes meets green. The site features green giveaways and discounts from companies and websites like Green Talk. I signed up to receive their newsletter to […]
ECHOage Eco-Friendly Birthday Parties: Teaching Children to Give Back
With four children, it seemed every time I turned around, I was planning another birthday party or taking my children to one. By the time I started the birthday party circuit for my last one, I was worn out. Countless invitations sent; endless returns of birthday gifts, and thank you notes that I had […]