Do any of you remember Blue’s Clues, when the mail came? Steve, the main actor would yell out “mail time.” Well, gardening has the same excitement. And you know it is “gardening time” when the trucks dump in my driveway. Just in case you don’t remember the Blue Clue’s mail time song, watch the below […]
Celery Leaves: Cook or Discard them?
Since becoming a gardener, I am constantly looking of ways to use every part of the vegetable. Over the years, I have learned that cauliflower, turnip, and broccoli leaves are amazing. See here for a recipe for greens to die for. Simple easy and addicting. I have even tried cooking sunflower leaves but when they […]
Food Waste Contributes to Climate Change. The Damage Starts Here.
A green food waster. What an oxymoron. I am not proud of what I am going to confess. As green as I think I have become, my family and I are food wasters. Our habits are hurting the Earth. We are contributing to Climate Change since food waste increases methane, a greenhouse gas. Does […]