Buying a new green car is like yanking out a permanent tooth. I previously explained what happened to my beloved 2005 Sienna and outlined my criteria for a new car. All and all searching for a new car was full of a mixture of emotions: pain, anxiety, and loss. I balanced comfort with eco-friendliness, all wheel […]
Pingg Paperless Invitations: Even Your NonGreen Critics Will Love
Nowadays, I am finding that I am receiving quite more email invitations than I use to. However, when it comes to the “big day events” such as weddings and bar mitzvahs, paper seems to be rule of thumb. With such great online invitation websites such as Pingg and Paperless Posts, you can have your cake […]
Ecotensil Me. A Green Alternative to the Plastic Spoon Taster
[podcast][/podcast] Is this a familiar scene? You are at BJs, Sam’s Club, or Costco and someone is handing out free samples. Or maybe you want to try a soft yogurt that you never tried before. Think of how many times you have tasted something to just throw away the spoon after one bite? Probably enough to make […]
The Lunch Sak, Kooling off the Earth a Kid’s Way
Photo of Lunch Saks by permission of Project Kool Update: 9/12/2013. Unfortunately, Lunch Saks are no longer in business. Want to stop global warming?Just ask a kid.More specifically ask Hunter Gross, a 12 year child from Long Island whose desire to save the Earth resulted in the creation of ProjectKool’s Lunch Sak.These canvas lunch bags […]
Lee Industries’ Furniture Marries Green with Style
Photo by permission of Lee Industries Lee Industries, a family owned company, has been manufacturing furniture since 1969 adhering to the same principles of yesterday as they do today.Its commitment to manufacturing high quality furnishings in the United States and the focus on its customers, community, and the environment have not changed since the Company’s […]
So little Time, So Many Green Finds
There are many days I spend hours on the internet looking for needed items for my house. I know I am not the only one who does this. Today, the big search was for a wall display for plates that I bought through a thrift shop. I figured since most wall displays are made of […]
Pangaya Offering Terrific Eco-Clothes Savings
Photo by Anna Wolf, courtesy of Pangaya, Steward +Brown banded Kimono Tee Sean Bartlett, co-founder of Pangaya, a eco-friendly clothing retailer since 2003, which has maintained an online presence since 2004, announced that the Company will be closing the business. The Company is known for its fashionable and high quality organic products ranging from clothing […]
Viesso: Green, Sleek, and Afforable Furniture
Photo by permission of Viesso of a Gente sofa For years, Furnature was the only company making eco-friendly furniture. Over night it seemed more and more furniture companies started making their furniture with an eye towards sustainability. Remember my friend who needed the eco-couch that I spoke about in my article, “Shouldn’t Your In-Laws […]