Richard Campbell, founder of To Soil Less, never dreamed fifteen years ago that throwing a watermelon seed into gravel could change the way the world grows our food. What he discovered during his journey is that plants can grow in river rock without the aid of fertilizer or soil. He has successfully grown peppers, zinnias, lettuce, […]
NoMix Toilets Could Power Your House and Feed Your Plants
Roediger NoMix toilet (urine diversion flush toilet). Move over dual flushing toilets. Meet the NoMix toilet, which separates your number 1 from your number 2. Okay, Anna. What’s the trick here? Who cares if a toilet can separates my bodily movements. Hear me out. There is a method to my madness. What is a the point of a […]
Urine Does a Plant Good
Photo by Andrew Scott Let’s talk about #1 (aka pee pee, urine, pee, or urea) and #2 (aka poop, poo,or sh*t) . Frankly, #2 gets alot more attention. We use the word to express our unhappiness, when we bang into something, or drop something on our toes. (No maybe that is the “F” word.) We […]