I looked at my own unused living room and dining room and think I can live with less space. A smaller footprint. How many of you use your dining room a couple times of year? How many use your living room at all? With less space comes challenges. What do you do when you need […]
Green Mountain Ski Furniture Repurposes Your Old Skis.
I have to admit I am a total sucker for any product made with recycled materials especially the ones made out of products that I thought you could never recycle. Take Green Mountain Ski Furniture, for example, that turns old skis and snowboards into furniture. Adirondack chairs, coffee tables and coat racks. Get out of town, Anna. […]
To Re-upholster or Not, This is the Question
How many chairs and sofas are put to the curb in the name of worn, outdated, or stained fabric? Well, I am faced with this dilemma. What to do with my family room couches who have been through the civil war. Every day is a new game and different sides. After five years of abuse, […]
Cisco Brothers Furniture Creates a Green Living Sanctuary
Photo by permission of Cisco Brothers of the Basal Living Collection’s Acacia sofa Ever since I laid eyes on Cisco Brothers’ environmental Basal Living Collection in its catalog, it was love at first sight. How would I describe this furniture line? Style and sustainability wrapped up in a homey feel. Cisco Brothers offers two […]
Lee Industries’ Furniture Marries Green with Style
Photo by permission of Lee Industries Lee Industries, a family owned company, has been manufacturing furniture since 1969 adhering to the same principles of yesterday as they do today.Its commitment to manufacturing high quality furnishings in the United States and the focus on its customers, community, and the environment have not changed since the Company’s […]
Viesso: Green, Sleek, and Afforable Furniture
Photo by permission of Viesso of a Gente sofa For years, Furnature was the only company making eco-friendly furniture. Over night it seemed more and more furniture companies started making their furniture with an eye towards sustainability. Remember my friend who needed the eco-couch that I spoke about in my article, “Shouldn’t Your In-Laws […]
Furnature: Custom Furniture Wrapped Up in Green Style
For over a decade, Furnature has been setting the standards for quality custom-made, environmentally friendly furniture by meeting the needs of those suffering from Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. “In the spring of 1994, our firm received a request for a custom sofa from a woman that would change the face of our business. Her immune […]