Welcome Guest Poster, J. Garver – “Writer of all things left and progressively green.” Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day. Are you wearing the green? Well, here is some green to think about. Spring 2010 is approaching and there’s a lot of buzz around topics like the economy, taxation, global poverty, restoration in Haiti/Chile, […]
Give Your Ducts Some TLC to Stop Global Warming
Photo by Belinda Hankins Miller. This month’s topic on the Green Mom’s carnival is global warming being hosted over at Not Quite Crunchy Chicken. How many of you are freezing as much as I am? How many of you are tempted to crank that thermostat up until your toes are all warm and snuggly? Stop […]
Climate Change: Still Waiting on the World to Change.
Just like the lyrics of John Mayer’s song, “Waiting on the World to Change” I too am still waiting. In response to the possibility of increased heat temperatures and destruction of our planet, it seems that people and businesses are changing their thinking to prevent such a catastrophic occurrence. But I question, have we as […]
The Ovum Factor, Nonfiction Eco-Novel: A Race to Save Mankind
Can man survive? Great free giveaway. See details below. The Ovum Factor is a new novel by author, businessman, and publisher, Marvin L. Zimmerman, in which he depicts the inevitable consequences if we do not change to halt our destructive ways towards the Planet. The back cover reveals the following plot: “Destruction of Earth’s ecology […]
Earth Hour: Turn Off Your Lights Tonight
Tonight is Earth Hour where people all over the world will turn off their lights for one hour between 8 and 9 pm tonight to combat global warming. Watch this video. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_c5K7Jdw9E[/youtube] Thanks to Jason at Scream to Be Green for the post to remind me to post about Earth Hour and the video from Lynn […]
Delta Airlines Compliments its Greener Attitude with its Eco Sky Magazine
Photo by permission of Delta Air Lines Delta Air Lines has earned its wings this month by unveiling its green Sky Magazine issue sure to inspire its travelers to take those steps to make an environmental difference in our world. The magazine, which is chock full of helpful tips and thought provoking articles, is […]
Six Degrees Could Change the World Aired Tonight
National Geographic will be airing, “Six Degrees Could Change the World” again on February 14, 2007 at 8pm eastern time or 9 pm pacific time. According to a spokesperson for National Geographic, the premiere reached over 6 million people. This film portrays a hypothetical look at the devastating effects to our planet as if continues […]
Read More, Consume Less
Photo by Cathy Stanley-Erickson by permission Could your reading appetite be causing greenhouse emissions and the degradation of our forests? Reading is a wonderful pastime, but if you are like many people, your credit card is worn from the amount of books you buy every year. Do you ever re-read your books? I didn’t think […]