Photo by Fernando de Sousa. Here are some green links I found interesting in my email box this week. Add your own favorite green news or articles in the comments below: GE and Umicore Complete Technology Transfer, Sign Agreement to Commercialize GE NOx Emissions Reduct NAHB to Phase Out Home Certification Under Model Green Home Building […]
Earth Day, Green Infrastructure, and Global Awareness
Welcome Guest Poster, J. Garver – “Writer of all things left and progressively green.” Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day. Are you wearing the green? Well, here is some green to think about. Spring 2010 is approaching and there’s a lot of buzz around topics like the economy, taxation, global poverty, restoration in Haiti/Chile, […]
NoMix Toilets Could Power Your House and Feed Your Plants
Roediger NoMix toilet (urine diversion flush toilet). Move over dual flushing toilets. Meet the NoMix toilet, which separates your number 1 from your number 2. Okay, Anna. What’s the trick here? Who cares if a toilet can separates my bodily movements. Hear me out. There is a method to my madness. What is a the point of a […]
USGBC’s Announces Top 10 Green Building Legislation
You know why Abe is smiling? Because America has a bright future ahead of it. We will get out of our economic rut and green building is the answer. Green building will create jobs and spur the economy to recover. Right now Congress has taken the lead and there are several green building bills pending. […]
Garage Door Insulation Helps to Reduce Winter and Summer Energy Bills
Photo courtesy of Falcon Foam. Updated 12/20/2011: Falcon Foam’s garage kit is not known as Matador. How many of you use your garage as a work area? Or how many feel like their bedroom above the garage is cold despite adequate insulation? Are your garage doors insulated? I did not think. My prior house had […]
Green Speed Links for November 29, 2009
Photo by Fernando de Sousa. Usually my Green Speed Links for the week are an eclectic group of green news. For some reason, green building news caught my eye this week. For those of you who are not as enamored with green building as I am, I sprinkled the links with other interesting green news. […]
RainXchange: Rainwater Harvesting with a Unique Water Feature Twist
I had the pleasure of podcasting with Dave Kelly, Vice President of Product Developement at Aquascape, Inc., the maker of the RainXchange, explaining the virtues of the Company’s residential and commercial rain harvesting system. To hear the podcast, click the link below. [podcast][/podcast] I have been having a ongoing love affair with rainwater harvesting systems ever since I […]
Make a New Year’s Resolution to give your HVAC a Tune-Up
Every year, we make New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight, get more sleep, and eat healthier. However, we never seem to make those resolutions about the structural components of our house. Do you ever hear, “I vow to weather-strip my house, give my HVAC a yearly checkup, or check for leaks in my house?” Ur, […]