Spring is here and I am giddy about the prospects of growing my garden again. Each year is different from the last one with new plants to grow. Some have even come back since I forgot about them from last year. See my turnip left in the dirt since last Fall? And if you are […]
You Gotta Love these Green Moms
In my previous post, I mentioned that the group, the Green Moms of the Green Moms Carnival, won the Shorty Award for best short green content on Twitter. I am part of a group of about 30 women who blog about saving the Earth in some facet. Some are passionate about reducing plastic, while others are passionate about reducing toxic chemicals […]
Green Moms Win Shorty Awards for Best Green Content
Where have I been? Busy as a beaver trying to finalize a video for the greenmoms of the Green Moms Carnival fame along with doing my taxes and running from green show to show. Why am I creating a video? Here is where it all began. Grab a cup of organic joe and gather around. […]
Climate Change: Still Waiting on the World to Change.
Just like the lyrics of John Mayer’s song, “Waiting on the World to Change” I too am still waiting. In response to the possibility of increased heat temperatures and destruction of our planet, it seems that people and businesses are changing their thinking to prevent such a catastrophic occurrence. But I question, have we as […]