Collard Greens You all know that I am gardening obsessed. Okay, lets put the cards on the table. A gardening nut. My plants are just like children to me. I worry when they wilt. Bite my nails when they turn yellow. And become outraged when they are hopelessly attacked by beetles. Do you feel the same […]
Create Your Own Backyard Garden. A Glimpse into Mine
I love my backyard garden and treat all my plants as my children. (My kids think I love my garden more than them.) My four kids are now men children, and don’t need that day to day tear wiping, codling, or cuddling that they did when they were younger. I miss those days and have […]
Growing Buckwheat in your Backyard. Part II
As I mentioned in Part I of my “how to” article on Growing Buckwheat for the Backyard Gardener, I am one of those gardeners who grows to grow. The more usual and challenging the plant, the happier I am. I know. I have some gardening issues but I am working on them. I broke my […]
Growing Buckwheat from a Backyard Gardener
My friends think I am loony tunes when it comes to what I grow in my garden. Some climb mountains, some jump from airplanes, and I grow unusual plants. I am a garden thrill seeker. This year, I grew buckwheat, sorghum, and artichokes in my northern garden. Buckwheat was the easiest plant to grow and an outstanding flowering […]
Green Funerals with Eco Caskets and Urns. A Green Staircase to Heaven
How many of you have planned their funeral arrangements? I know. What a creepy conversation. I guess Halloween is coming and thoughts of vampires, caskets, and tombstones are dancing in my head. But seriously, have you thought of how we kill trees in the name of beautiful caskets that are ultimately buried in the ground? […]
Gardening Gear Sale! Save Up to 72% off at Gardener’s Supply
Okay. If you are like me, you are onto Gardening, Round Two. That is…Fall gardening! And what a great time to grab some gardening gear at Gardener’s Supply’s end of season sale. Fall Gardening. Join the Ranks! Us northern gardeners eek out as much gardening as we can until Old Man Frost just takes away our summer […]
Urine Does a Plant Good
Photo by Andrew Scott Let’s talk about #1 (aka pee pee, urine, pee, or urea) and #2 (aka poop, poo,or sh*t) . Frankly, #2 gets alot more attention. We use the word to express our unhappiness, when we bang into something, or drop something on our toes. (No maybe that is the “F” word.) We […]