Welcome Guest Poster, Alexandra Gnoske, Author of Loui Saves the Earth, Around 70 years ago we experienced some major changes in the United States. “Better living through chemistry,” “Agribusiness,” and “Consumerism” caused a major shift in our culture that created some of today’s major environmental issues. These changes brought plastic, pesticides, and large amounts of […]
KIDS MAKE IT BETTER: When Life Gives You Oil Spills…
Welcome guest poster, Suzy Becker, author of Kids Make it Better, It’s a weird synchronicity. The week my book KIDS MAKE IT BETTER: A WRITE-IN, DRAW-IN JOURNAL made its way into stores, disturbing photos of oil-doused ducks started cropping up all over the place. A nearly identical photograph had been the genesis of the book. […]
Protect Unborn Children from Toxic Chemicals. Sign the Declaration.
Is their a fever pitch to this message? You betcha. Our unborn children are being exposed to countless chemicals in the womb due to our industrial society. Previously, I wrote about the Enviromental Working Group’s cord blood tests that reveals over 200 toxicans in our newborns. I encourage you to read this article. It is […]