Richard Campbell, founder of To Soil Less, never dreamed fifteen years ago that throwing a watermelon seed into gravel could change the way the world grows our food. What he discovered during his journey is that plants can grow in river rock without the aid of fertilizer or soil. He has successfully grown peppers, zinnias, lettuce, […]
Create Your Own Backyard Garden. A Glimpse into Mine
I love my backyard garden and treat all my plants as my children. (My kids think I love my garden more than them.) My four kids are now men children, and don’t need that day to day tear wiping, codling, or cuddling that they did when they were younger. I miss those days and have […]
Growing Buckwheat in your Backyard. Part II
As I mentioned in Part I of my “how to” article on Growing Buckwheat for the Backyard Gardener, I am one of those gardeners who grows to grow. The more usual and challenging the plant, the happier I am. I know. I have some gardening issues but I am working on them. I broke my […]
Black Decker 24 Volt Cordless String Trimmer. A Greener Weed Wacker
Check out the Giveaway below! I hate weeds. There I said it. I know. I am the green garden girl but weeds just pop up in the most absurd places making me a little bit testy since they are hard as heck to pull out. Plus, who has the time? I’m sorry. I just don’t […]