This was my first year of growing damask roses. In the past, I grew double knock out roses which were hardy and simply laughed at the pests and the elements. I wasn’t prepared for the amount of insects that adore Damask roses. I watched in horror as sawflies and spider mites attacked the plants, […]
Square Foot Garden Convert. Better Yields, Less Weeds
For years, I would plant according to the seed packages and inevitably end up with a ton of weeds between my plants. Of course, it didn’t help that I used straw with seed in it, but that is a story unto itself. Last year, I discovered square foot gardening while playing around with my online […]
Organic Gardening June Show and Tell. Sweet Potatoes, Squash & More
Collard Greens You all know that I am gardening obsessed. Okay, lets put the cards on the table. A gardening nut. My plants are just like children to me. I worry when they wilt. Bite my nails when they turn yellow. And become outraged when they are hopelessly attacked by beetles. Do you feel the same […]
It’s Gardening Time! Roll out the Compost!
Do any of you remember Blue’s Clues, when the mail came? Steve, the main actor would yell out “mail time.” Well, gardening has the same excitement. And you know it is “gardening time” when the trucks dump in my driveway. Just in case you don’t remember the Blue Clue’s mail time song, watch the below […]
How to Create Raised Garden Beds even for the Tool Challenged
Have you dreamed of owning your own raised beds for growing your vegetables? Shied away because you are tool challenged or just don’t have the know how? Or when would you find the time? Over the last three years, I have used raised beds and have found that my vegetables grow better in them versus […]
Gardening Must Haves from an Obsessed Organic Gardener
Do you know what time it is? Check your calendar, Green Talk readers. It is gardening time! Get your hoes and let’s dig some dirt. Make Mama proud with your finest tomatoes or mouth watering cucumbers. (Remember mine look like tennis balls with an eight o’clock shadow. Made you look, didn’t I?) When I received […]
Amaranth: Cooking with this Super Grain
This year I decided to plant Amaranth, a highly nutritious grain. I saw its ornamental cousin last year and flipped at how beautiful this plant was. My husband tells me that I grow to grow. It does not matter if I intend to eat it. I enjoy the pleasures of watching a plant grow into […]
Extra-Terrestrials Visit my Watermelon Patch
Crop circles, unexplained lights in the sky and now strange marking on my Watermelons? ET Phone home? Is there life outside of the Earth and if so, how were they able to make such small circles on my Watermelons? Okay. Okay. No, I have not gone off the green deep end. I am just joking. (Well […]