Welcome Guest poster, Paul Leonard of recyclingNJ to provide us with an exciting update of how his website is impact recycling efforts in New Jersey. Although his site is New Jersey based, many of his links can be used through the US. As many of you will be aware, the average US citizen throws away 1655 […]
Recycled Content or Live Christmas Tree Alternatives for the Holidays
If I could rewrite the lyrics of “O Christmas Tree,” to incorporate a greener theme, I would sing the first verse of the song as follows: O, Christmas tree, O Christmas Tree, I wish that buying a green one is what people could see. O Christmas tree, O Christmas Tree, Perhaps they could replant, rent, […]
Trash to Homemade Musical Instruments. A Kinder Note to the Earth
Welcome guest poster, Jakob Barry! Trash and music go hand in hand. In fact, rumor has it that even Sesame Street trash monger, Oscar the Grouch, was named after a famous American folk singer! It should come as no surprise then that making musical instruments from trash can be realized easily. The simple fact is broken parts of just […]
Recycled Denim Insulation Nonprofit Grant Offered by Levi Strauss
Last week I received two, not one, but two emails about jeans recycling. I felt so Sally Fields like. One from the Gap about dropping off old jeans at their stores, and another from Levi Strauss about their recycled denim initiatives. Instead of bombarding you with two recycled jeans’ stories, I decided to spread the two […]
Green Funerals with Eco Caskets and Urns. A Green Staircase to Heaven
How many of you have planned their funeral arrangements? I know. What a creepy conversation. I guess Halloween is coming and thoughts of vampires, caskets, and tombstones are dancing in my head. But seriously, have you thought of how we kill trees in the name of beautiful caskets that are ultimately buried in the ground? […]
NJ Gov Offices, Stop Spending Money on Plastic Water Bottles
I received several emails from Ken Cook, of the Environmental Working Group, one of my favorite watchdogs, regarding the State of New Jersey’s governmental use of plastic water bottles which is paid by taxpayer’s money. We have a wonderful water system in the state. So, why the spend? Over the last couple of months, Governor Christie […]
Second Life Denim Jean Rugs from Summer and Winter Weaving
What is my favorite part of writing articles for Green Talk? Hands down. The readers. I especially love hearing from y’all (as my southern friends would say) when you have created a business giving our stuff a second life. Apparently recycling your blue jeans is a very hot topic on GT given the amount of readers […]
LivingECHO Offers your Favorite Green Products all in One Place.
When I first perused the green product shopping website LivingECHO, my first thought what a great site for one stop shopping. I could click on many different organic and sustainable products from various environmentally minded companies and buy them right from the same site. Think of an open food market place where there are all […]