When I was a kid, I used to love putting Fritos in my peanut butter sandwich. I was so addicted to Fritos that I ate them through college. My usual college lunch was a tuna sandwich, Fritos, and a diet coke. Real healthy, right? Heck, I was young so who cared, right? I must have […]
Elmer’s Glue Sticks and Bottle Recycling Program & Giveaway
See Update below: 12/21/2010: TerraCycle is now collecting glue bottles and sticks as part of their brigade program. Check out the giveaway below! If you have kids, you have Elmer’s glue in the form of glue sticks or glue bottle. My kids are notorious for leaving off the glue stick caps or using way too much glues […]
Climate Change: Still Waiting on the World to Change.
Just like the lyrics of John Mayer’s song, “Waiting on the World to Change” I too am still waiting. In response to the possibility of increased heat temperatures and destruction of our planet, it seems that people and businesses are changing their thinking to prevent such a catastrophic occurrence. But I question, have we as […]
Home Depot Offers Free Recycling for Burnt-Out CFL
What are some of my pet peeves? They are as follows: People who urinate on the toilet seats and don’t clean up after themselves, CFLs recycling, people who do not call you back, and plastic pots recycling. Okay, 2 green pet peeves and 2 annoying pet peeves. Well, one pet peeve might be going […]
Electronic Disposal: Where to Recycle Other than a Third World County
Photo by permission of Daniel R. Blume As technology advances, I have seen more monitors, computers, televisions, and other electronic equipment left at the end of driveways or in trash cans waiting to hitch a ride to the nearest landfill. According to the EPA, only twelve percent of electronic equipment is recycled.
So little Time, So Many Green Finds
There are many days I spend hours on the internet looking for needed items for my house. I know I am not the only one who does this. Today, the big search was for a wall display for plates that I bought through a thrift shop. I figured since most wall displays are made of […]
GreenDisk, the Answer to Recycling CDs and DVDs
Some of the contents of my GreenDisk Technotrash Can Do you remember when you use to get those AOL free disks? They would come in your mail, in magazines, and even with your toilet paper. (Just kidding) Just think of how many CDs and DVDs that are produced every year and how many damaged, […]
Read More, Consume Less
Photo by Cathy Stanley-Erickson by permission Could your reading appetite be causing greenhouse emissions and the degradation of our forests? Reading is a wonderful pastime, but if you are like many people, your credit card is worn from the amount of books you buy every year. Do you ever re-read your books? I didn’t think […]