When you think of swapping, organizations such as Freecycle, Craiglist, and other names come to mind. Well, here is a new one to add to the Spring cleaning list…Swap Mamas, a new social networking swap site geared towards swapping everything a mama could want. Swap with another mama for clothing, toys, household products or anything […]
Unwanted Gifts: 18 Ways to Cure the Unwanted Gift Blues
Photo by permission of Kasia Updated on 12/17/2012. It’s bright and shiny and often carries an equally bright ribbon. You open the box and you start to sweat when you look into the box. It can only be described as (shuddering…) the UNWANTED Gift. Maybe it is two sizes too big. Perhaps it looks like […]
The Junk-Free Thirty Day Challenge
Your mission if you dare to accept it (Mission Impossible music, please) is a thirty day promise to junk-free your house. It is your challenge, and therefore your decision how far you want to rid yourself of your junk. Why am I issuing this challenge? Right before my son’s bar mitzvah, I went crazy trying […]
Read More, Consume Less
Photo by Cathy Stanley-Erickson by permission Could your reading appetite be causing greenhouse emissions and the degradation of our forests? Reading is a wonderful pastime, but if you are like many people, your credit card is worn from the amount of books you buy every year. Do you ever re-read your books? I didn’t think […]