Thanks for “scanning Green Talk” via my QR code. Instead of giving you a lengthy “about me” I will link to my appropriate pages. In a nutshell, Green Talk is a green living and business blog aimed at starting the conversation. I am a sustainability, green building, and social media consultant having been in the “green space” for over a decade. The goal of my site is help people and green businesses to thrive in living a more sustainable lifestyle.
I walk the talk as well having built an Energy Star house, grow a large garden and consult with businesses to make them profitable by being green. So, join the conversation! Learn how below:
To learn more about me, read here.
To subscribe to the blog and get green goodness in your email box, see here. For other options such as feeds, mobile, podcast, etc. see here.
To Socialize with me, find me on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google Plus, YouTube and Linkedin.
To Hire Me for social media, green living, sustainability, and/or green building consulting, see here.
To listen to my podcasts, see here. To sign up for my podcast feed, see here.
Advertise/blog promotion/Sponsor Posts, etc. see here. Green Talk is a five year plus blog with a dedicated following.
To contact me, see here.
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