Welcome guest poster, Katy Farber, author of Why Teachers Quit. She also blogs at Non-Toxic Kids. This post is quite timely with the kids getting ready to go back to school.
Did your child’s favorite teacher suddenly leave mid-year, or quit in the summer? Have you noticed the palpable stress levels of teachers and staff at your local school, especially around standardized testing times, or with new principals, or teaching staff?
Consider that one in three teachers leave in the first three years of teaching, and fifty percent quit in the first five years. It becomes clear that to give our children continuity, the best teachers possible, and to save loads of tax payer money—we’ve got to focus on teacher sustainability. For families, this issue is personal.
Low pay, increased responsibilities, and high stakes standardized testing– these are just some of the reasons why more talented teachers are leaving the profession than ever before. Drawing on in-depth interviews with teachers all over the country, I presents an in-the-trenches view of the classroom exodus and uncovers ways that schools and turn the tide in my new book, Why Great Teachers Quit and How We Might Stop the Exodus.
My findings paint a sometimes shocking picture of life in today’s schools, taking a frank look at:
*Challenges to teacher endurance, including tight budgets, difficult parents, standardized testing, unsafe schools, inadequate pay, and lack of respect
*Strategies veteran teachers use to make sure the joys of teaching outweigh the frustrations
*Success stories from individual schools and districts that have found solutions to these challenges
*Recommendations for creating a school environment that fosters teacher retention
Featuring clear analysis and concrete suggestions for administrators and policy makers, Why Great Teachers Quit takes you to the front lines of the fight to keep great teachers where they belong: in the classroom.
Anna, here. Thanks to Katy for writing such an informative and timely book. With all the strain on our teachers today, this is a must have book to help our school retain good teachers. I do believe that teachers are the unsung heroes of our world since they are the knowledge caretakers of our young. On that note,
You can buy Why Great Teachers Quit at the GT store, or ask for it at your local, independent bookstore. You can read reviews of this book here as well as win a copy over at Katy’s Goodreads page. and on Katy’s blog, Non-Toxic Kids.
Note, for every GT reader purchase of Katy’s book, I get a teensy profit since you are buying through my Amazon site. Every little bit helps to keep Green Talk in her svelte shape. And keep our teacher in the classroom…teaching.
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UK Dissertation topics says
If you are facing any problem with your children’s teachers, try to find some time yourself and teach your kids at home in the evening untill they get teachers at school.
eoa says
Teachers in teaching may find this useful who aspire to be great teachers: http://www.geocities.ws/greatteachersari/