Here is another I’ve Got Green Mail for the week of December 7, 2008. Just to make this concept interactive, please add any new reports or concepts that you found interesting in your own comments. You can include one of your own blog posts if you like, with a few sentences of what it is about so GT readers can decide if they want to click on the link. I will delete anything that is not green or health related.
- “Change Coming to Green Building Industry” A must read for builders, architects, engineers, designers, and attorneys. One issue that concerns me is how is the insurance industry dealing with green building especially in the professional capacity. This article warns those involved in the green building area to read the fine print of your insurance coverage as to what is covered or not.
- “Health Risks of Hybrid Cars Have Been Misrepresented by the Media” via What health risk, you are probably asking yourself? Recently the NY Times ran an article about the possible danger of the exposure of EMFs (electromagnetic field) eminating from hybrid vehicles. This article dispels some of the dangers but not all them. It is a must read for those who have children sitting in the back seat of a hybrid. Increased EMF exposure is a deep concern of mine.
- “Major Threat to Human Fertility and Very Existence of Human Life on Earth”
Yes, this a very dramatic title to the article but the title is intended to get your attention. It is about GM corn (genetically modified corn). Based upon research done at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, they found that genetically modified corn developed by the US-based Monsanto Corporation led to lower fertility and body weight compared to mice feed a non-GM corn diet. Other studies have also found that offspring of rats fed GM soy “showed a five-fold increase in mortality, lower birth weights, and the inability to reproduce.” Read the discussion about how GM corn causes health risks in our society. - “Compact fluorescent bulbs can be a significant source of exposure to high frequencies both transmitted and “dirty” power. This article was listed under the News section of the Electric Pollution website. Dr. Magda Havas, B.Sc. Ph.D., Environmental & Resource Studies, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada wrote that some CFLs emit radio frequency radiation and cause people who are sensitive to it to get sick (Electrohypersensitivity or Radio Wave Sickness.) Note, not all CFLs emit this radiation. She provides advice in the article on how you could find out if your CFL could be a culprit. See her detailed report . This is one issue that I will be following.
- “Power from the Graveyard.” At first glance, I thought this article was about having a greener burial. In fact, it is about installing solar power on top of mausoleums. It is great concept for those wishing to leave a living legacy behind.
- “Vegan Baking-Yes You Can!” I love this post because substituting ingredients in a regular recipe when you are vegan is really hard. In this article, Alline provides tips for substituting eggs in baking. She outlines which substitute are good for certain baked items. This article is one that people with egg allergies, those who wish to stay away from eggs, and vegans should bookmark.
So, what is articles have you found interesting this week?
Zen says
Here is a great story of a small group committed people, who with no money and hard work are creating sustainable communities and livelihoods for thousands of desperately poor people. They produce an EcoLogo Certified green building product that is serving as a micro economic, value added model for Indonesian villages, many of whom are still recovering from the 2004 tsunami.
They have no budget for advertizing or marketing. Let’s try and help them tell their story.
Here is the only media exposure they have received.
From EcoLogo Official Website
From the Vancouver Province Newspaper