Photo by permission of CavinB
My husband is one of the most prolific readers. He receives dozens of newsletters on all health related subjects and forwards me interesting topics to write about. I have to admit some of my best finds come through him. My usual routine is to research what he sends me, call the company, write a post and then publish it to the site. This takes a lot of time, and I still have so many great links that are waiting in my email inbox.
Today, I will be starting the “You got Mail” series whether it is from him or another terrific source with one caveat. I will not be researching the veracity of the information in the links but I will assure you, it is worth checking out. Drum roll, please…
- What Door Handles Actually Kill Bacteria? via According to the article, a recent study has found that cooper fittings kill germs. Read on to learn why cooper faucets and door handles might be beneficial in your home.
- Stop The USDA from rushing through new rules regarding GMOs and Pharmaceutical Crops! Consider signing the petition. Here is a short snip of the campaign:
The Comment Period Ends Monday, November 24th!
From The Center for Food Safety, Nov. 19th, 2008:
In the waning months of the Bush administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has joined the ranks of federal agencies rushing through new regulations that weaken protections for human health and the environment. USDA has released a proposed rule that would significantly weaken oversight of all genetically engineered crops, and which continue to allow companies to grow food crops engineered to produce drugs and industrial chemicals.
The USDA began this process over four years ago by promising stricter oversight. Unfortunately, improvements considered early on have been dismissed, and the proposed rule now has the same gaping holes as the policy it is replacing, and creates a few new ones, as well… ( the article continues…)
The USDA is treading dangerous new ground here. The structure of the new proposal opens loopholes that can be exploited by biotech companies and expose consumers to more untested and unlabeled genetically engineered foods.” via an email received from Citizens for Health .
I signed the petition. I hope you will too.
- Green Depot Merges with Greenmaker Creating Nation’s Largest Green Building Materials Supplier Green Depot, an east coast group of green building stores merged with Greenmaker, a Chicago-based green building store to form a green building alliance which will generate better buying power for the two building entities. Hopefully, these savings will be passed down to the consumer. Most of my green building products came from Paul Novack of the Environmental Outfitters in the Bronx. His store was bought out by Green Depot, but Paul still works there. He is my go to man.
- Greenbuild 365 is in Boston this weekend full of green building exhibitors, amazing speakers, and courses. Unfortunately I missed it due to taking the LEED AP exam so I can help build some of those great green buildings in the future! However, if you can’t be there, you can still see videos of the speakers, articles, and other great videos. Favorites: A green hotel in North Carolina.
This is this week’s round up of my ever flowing green generating email box. Let me know your thoughts about this new feature.
Similar Posts:
- You’ve Got Green Mail, January 18, 2009 Round-up
- USDA’s Deregs Genetically Modified Alfalfa. Devastates Organics.
- Say No to Monsanto Genetically Modified Alfalfa!
- Sick of those Yellow Pages?
- Environmental Working Group Reaches 30,000 Votes for Organic Farmers’ Funding Petition. Seeking More Signatures!
Robert@ herbal pet product says
The fact that the USDA is loosening up more and more is not only shocking, its scary. When I think about the trend this nation\’s taking I think about what will be out on the market when our children grow up. I truly believe that many people will be in a lot of danger.